Battle Frontier Flute Cup

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"What are we doing here," Ash asked. "Well, I wanted to see you battle and Goh's doing it as well," Chloe said. They heard a loud stomp, and a person riding a Hariyama came to a stop in front of them. "Can I help you," Ash asked, "yea, you can," the person said, "would you mind moving, your blocking the bin?" "Uhh, sorry," Ash said. "Are you participating in this tournament," Goh asked. "Yea," the person said, "I don't care about the flutes. I'm only doing it to get a shot at Brandon." "Brandon's here," Ash asked. "Yea," the person said, "Pyramid King Brandon. I'm Hodge by the way." "Where is Brandon," Ash demanded, "uhh," Hodge said, "I don't know. I was told he was commentating. Ahh, the tournament matches just got released." Hodge pulled out his phone before checking. Goh was facing Hodge while Ash was facing a random. "Looks like it's you and me," Hodge said, " try not to lose too quickly."

Theme Song

"The first battle of the Battle Frontier Flute Cup is underway," the commentator announced, "with me I have Pyramid King Brandon. So tell me, Brandon, how do you feel about this tournament?" "I believe it is a stepping stone for many before they start taking on gyms," Brandon said, "but for more experienced trainers, this tournament is likely to get a chance to battle me." "The battle is between Goh of Vermillion City, Kanto and Hodge of Laveridge Town, Hoenn," the ref yelled, "trainers send out your first Pokémon." "Go, Mightyena," Hodge yelled, "Scisor, let's go," Goh yelled. "Battle begin," the ref yelled. "Scisor use X-Scissor," Goh yelled, "Mightyena use Incinerate," Hodge yelled. Incinerate broke through Scisors defences easily and hit it directly. "Scisor is unable to battle, the winner is Mightyena," the ref announced. "Return," Goh said, "go Scorbunny." "Mightyena use Dark Pulse," Hodge yelled, "Scorbunny, dodge," Goh yelled, "now Ember." The Ember hit Mightyena directly but did minimal damage. "Hyper Beam," Hodge yelled. The orange beam hit Scorbunny directly. "Scorbunny is unable to battle, the winner is Mightyena so the match goes to Hodge," the ref announced.

"And now we're onto the championship match between Hodge of Laveridge Town, Hoenn and Ash of Pallet Town, Kanto," the commentator announced, "so far Hodge has been incredible with his Hariyama and Mightyena but Ash has been unmatched with his Sceptile and Infernape. Who will come out on top?" "Trainers send out your first Pokémon," the ref yelled. "Go Mightyena," Hodge yelled. "Sceptile, let's go," Ash yelled. "Battle begin," the ref yelled. "Mightyena use Incinerate," Hodge yelled. "Double Team," Ash yelled, "now Leaf Blade." "Mightyena is unable to battle, the winner is Sceptile," the ref announced, "will trainer Hodge send out their next Pokémon." "Go Hariyama," Hodge yelled, "Close Combat." "Dragon Claw," Ash yelled. Hariyama was sent flying into the wall behind Hodge. "Hariyama," Hodge cried. "Hariyama is unable to battle, the winner is Sceptile so the match goes to Ash," the ref announced. "Would you look at that, Ash of Pallet Town has won. Catch us back here in an hour where we will see Ash face Pyramid King Brandon," the commentator yelled.

"That was amazing," Chloe said, "that battle was incredible." "Not really," Ash muttered, "I won easily." "Well, now you have to face Brandon," Goh said, "that shouldn't be easy," "I beat Brandon when I was 12, I'm sure I can do it again," Ash said.

"This battle is between Brandon of Lilycove City, Hoenn and Ash of Pallet Town, Kanto," the ref announced, "trainers send out your first Pokémon." "It's been awhile hasn't it Brandon," Ash said, "since we stood at opposite ends of a field." "13 years I believe," Brandon said, "where you were a very different person." "I'm the same person," Ash snarled, "I've just got different goals." "Exactly my point," Brandon said, "back then, a young man stood before me who wish of becoming a Pokémon Master. Who wished to conquer each of the Pokémon Leagues. Now all I see is a broken man hell bend on revenge." "Stop talking," Ash growled. "Your revenge has blinded you," Brandon said, "blinded you from the truth. Dawn would not want you to pursue someone just to give you satisfaction." "You have no right to say that name," Ash yelled. "She died because of Giovanni," Ash yelled, "and I will kill him with my bare hands." "You will not be killing my boss with your bare hands," a voice said. Ash turned around and before him stood Emily. "Emily," Ash snarled, "what a lovely surprise." "Hello old friend," Emily said, "but like I said, you'll not be harming my boss. I've been tasked with hunting you currently." "How's Hudson," Ash asked. "He's seen better days," Emily said nonchalantly, "that was a pretty nasty scar you gave him." "It was an accident," Ash said. "I'm sure cutting someone over the eye is a big accident," Emily said sarcastically. "Brandon, I think you should get everyone out," Ash said, "I can do that," Brandon said. "Tyranitar," Emily yelled. "Infernape," Ash yelled. "It's been what? 5 years since we last battled," Emily asked. "That'd be about right," Ash said, "we can finally finish our battle," Emily said, "you know since we didn't finish our battle at the Indigo Plateau." "Infernape use Flamethrower," Ash yelled. "Tyranitar use Dark Pulse," Emily yelled. "Infernape use Flare Blitz," Ash yelled, "Tyranitar use Stone Edge," Emily yelled. "Regice use Ice Beam, Regirock use Rock Slide, Registeel use Flash Cannon," Brandon yelled. "What are you doing," Ash yelled, "buying you time," Brandon yelled, "go!" Ash nodded before running out. Brandon denied Emily from leaving. "Arrghhh," Emily yelled angrily, "use Fire Blast." The explosion shook the stadium. Brandon quickly released his three Pokémon in the confusion. When the smoke cleared Brandon was standing there, alone. Emily shot him in the leg and he collapsed in pain. Emily stalked towards him. Brandon looked up at her. "Pyramid King Brandon," Emily said, "reduced to nothing." "We all have our part to play in this upcoming war," Brandon said, "if this is my part then so be it." Emily raised her gun to his chest and shot 2 more bullets. Brandon stilled as the Pyramid King died. "Inform Giovanni," Emily said into her phone, "inform Giovanni that Ash is travelling with a male and female named Goh and Chloe." Emily took one last look at the body of Brandon laying on the floor before walking out of the stadium.

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