The Return of Darkrai

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Hi, it's been a hot minute since I last posted but I've been doing other stuff. I was working on the Star Wars story that I'm really enjoying writing. I enjoy writing this also, I'll try get more chapters out. When you're reading this BDSP will probably be out so I'll be grinding that and figuring out the meta. Thanks for 500 reads. Enjoy the chapter.

Chloe had just arrived in Sinnoh. She had come here by the suggestion of her father who said it would be a good opportunity to get to know her Eevee. "We gather at the Twinleaf Festival today to mourn the 10 year anniversary of work famous coordinator, Joanna Berlitz. Taken out of this work when she shouldn't have," the reporter said, "she will never be forgotten. She remains buried in this very town while the place where her daughter, Dawn Berlitz was buried still remains a mystery." Chloe recognised that name. With a jolt Chloe realised that was the blue haired woman in the wedding photo Ash had shown her. Which made her Ash's wife.

Chloe continued her trek through the bush, nearly falling over several times. She came to a stop at a river. "We'll, it's getting dark Eevee," Chloe said, "I guess it'd be a good idea to set up camp here." On queue, Eevee's stomach rumbled. "Yea, yea," Chloe said, "I'll cook food as well."

Many different things were rushing through his mind as he chased after Darkrai. Including but not limited to, 'you need to leave', 'Team Rocket is here', and 'it's not safe'. "Darkrai," Ash yelled, "listen to me." "She's coming back," Ash continued, "you won't be able to stop her." Darkrai fired off another Dark avoid but Ash stood his ground, the attack not affecting him due to the Lunar Wing he wore. "They will be here soon," Ash yelled. "I don't think Darkrai can understand," Goh said. "It can understand me," Ash said, "I just know it."

Theme Song

"Giovanni, sir, Darkrai has been spotted in Sinnoh," Victoria said, "I've already sent Leaf to stake out the area." "Good," Giovanni said, "send Matori. It will test her skills as a leader." "What if Ketchum, Jackson or Shinji get involved," Victoria asked. "They are split," Giovanni said, "they went their separate ways. If one of them shows up Leaf is more than capable of dealing with them." "What about Hudson, Emily or Joel," Victoria asked, "wouldn't it be better to be safe than sorry?" "Are you questioning my judgement," Giovanni asked coldly. "N-no sir," Victoria shrank down, "I was merely suggesting..." "I am the leader of this organisation am I not," Giovanni asked. "Y-yes, sir," Victoria answered. "I make the final decisions am I clear," Giovanni asked, "if you ever question my authority again, I will have you demoted." Victoria walked out of the office. If she had to be honest to herself Giovanni was becoming more and more like this. The relationship between him and his admins was less emotional like it used to be and now it was more professional and fear kept them in place. This was happening to Hudson, Emily, Joel and Leaf. Out of them the only one who didn't fear Giovanni was Leaf. While she had chose Team Rocket, Emily, Hudson and Joel were chosen for Team Rocket. Leaf didn't care what Giovanni had to say about her and would not back down when dealing with him. It had nearly gotten her demoted on several occasions. Giovanni had snapped and threatened Hudson with death after failing to capture Ash Ketchum and ridiculed him in front of thousands of grunts for losing his eye in the process. Joel had been beaten for his failure to capture Ash and Emily had a gun held in her throat by Giovanni for several seconds. He said that with the flick of a switch she would drop dead. Victoria suspected Giovanni's fading mental health was due to Ash's betrayal and Silver's refusal to join Team Rocket. He had kept it bottled up and now he was unleashing it on those in his inner circle.

Chloe hummed to herself as she cooked herself and Eevee food. Suddenly the bush started rustling and a Pikachu and an Eevee jumped out. This was followed by a voice yelling out, "Eevee, Pikachu. Where are you?" The voice sounded eerily similar to Ash's voice except more feminine. Suddenly a girl around Chloe's age tumbled through the bush, landing on the ground. "There you are," the girl said addressing her Pokémon. "Are you ok," Chloe asked. "Yea," the girl said, "I've done a lot more dangerous stuff so don't worry." "My name's Chloe," Chloe said, "what's yours?" "Me?" The girl asked, "I'm Leaf."

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