The Multiversal Mess pt.1

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"What's going on," Professor Cerise demanded, "I'm not sure," Chrysa said, "purple portals have been sighted all over the world, but mostly in Sinnoh." "It isn't clear what they are or where they lead," Ren said, "but some reports say that people's Pokemon were kidnapped through the portals and they saw another version of themselves." "Go get Ash, Goh and Chloe," Cerise said.

"What's the problem," Goh asked, "its the weekend and its 7 in the morning." "I'd say that's the problem," Chloe said, pointing to different purple portals displayed on the monitor. "What are they," Goh asked. "We don't know," Ren said, "that's why you're here, to help us figure it out." "Ash," Cerise asked, "any ideas, do you know what it is?" "Of course I do," Ash said, "this isn't the first time I've seen something like this." "What is it," Chrysa asked. "A space-time anomaly," Ash said, "one caused by Dialga and Palkia." "How can you be sure," Cerise asked. "I'm not," Ash said, "I can only assume, but Dialga and Palkia are Pokemon outside of time and space, meaning if they want to, they can cause tears in time and space which is where the portals lead into this. Alternate versions of people were sighted on some of the portals, correct?" "Yes," Cerise said. "It could lead to another version of our Earth," Ash said. "An alternate reality," Goh scoffed, "that sounds crazy." "Let me explain," Ash said, "our Earth, still fundamentally the same but certain people could be different due to certain decisions they make and decisions the people around them make. If Dialga and Palkia are fighting again it means the Red Chain has been forged again, which means our plain of reality is under risk." "What are you going to do," Chloe asked. "Find a portal, run some tests, see what it does, then come back and decide what to do next," Ash said, "see you in a bit."

"Twinleaf Town," Ash muttered, "how did I end up here? I guess we walk around for a bit until a portal appears." "Ee eevee," Eevee pointed out. "Good spotting Eevee," Ash said before running up to the portal. Ash pulled out his space-time detector that he had gotten from Cynthia years ago. "Like I figured," Ash said, "a space-time anomaly." Ash stuck his hand through the portal. "It doesn't appear to have an effect on me," Ash noted, "Pikachu use Thunderbolt through the portal." "Pikachuuu," Pikachu cried firing the attack. "It appears to go through just fine," Ash muttered to himself, writing down notes. He faced away, writing notes down in his Pokedex. When he turned, he was facing himself but it wasn't him. His other self was holding Pikachu. "Pikachu," Ash yelled. The portal closed. "What just happened," Ash said in wonder.

"So your saying that Pikachu was kidnapped by yourself," Goh asked. "Yea," Ash said shallowly. "Did you figure out what you were trying to do," Chloe asked. "Yea," Ash said, "a space-time anomaly, I was right. The Red Chain had to have been crafted again for space and time to be this messed up. We'll have to go to Canalave Library to do some research, but first I need to make a call."

"Who'd you call," Chloe asked. "You'll see," Ash said, "it's the only other person who I know is alive that's had experience with Dialga, Palkia and Giratina." "I thought you only said Dialga and Palkia," Goh said, "how does Giratina fit into this mess." "It is the anti-matter Pokemon," Ash said, "it's intertwined with Dialga and Palkia. It cannot be controlled by the Red Chain, it has the job of destroying the Red Chain if things get too far." "Have things not already gone too far," Chloe asked. "It's banished to the Distortion World," Ash said, "unless deemed so by Arceus, Giratina can only watch as time and space collapse." "When is the person you called arriving," Goh asked. "Should be any second now," Ash said. "Why do you seem so on edge," Chloe asked. "Because I am," Ash said, "there she is." Goh and Chloe looked over at where Ash was pointing and walking towards them was Leaf Ketchum.

"You're an idiot, you know that," Leaf said, "even I can acknowledge that. I want to kill you and you told me where you'd be." "If you knew what is at stake, you wouldn't," Ash said. "Alright," Leaf said, "what could change my mind so much that it will make me not want to kill you for a bit." "The fact that our reality is collapsing," Ash said, "Dialga and Palkia appear to be at the centre of it." "Is Cyrus back," Leaf asked. "Unlikely," Ash said, "I think someone else is at the centre of it." "Why call me," Leaf asked, "there are so many other people you could've called. Jimmy, Paul?" "They haven't had encounters with Dialga or Palkia," Ash said. "What about Uncle Silver," Leaf asked, "he was there, at the Sinjoh Ruins that day. Why don't you call him?" "Silver's just as much of a ghost as father," Ash said, "we can both assume where father is." "Mt. Silver," Leaf said. "Meanwhile, Silver spent years on the run," Ash said, "he knows how to hide. And he modified his Pokedex so he can only receive calls from Red and Jimmy." "So what's the plan," Leaf asked, "did you seriously call me here just for us to go to Spear Pillar?" "We find a portal," Ash said, "and go through it." "Well," Chloe said, notifying Leaf and Ash that there were other people there, "looks like we got lucky." She was pointing at a purple portal that had opened. 4 figures emerged from the portal. "Jessie and James," Leaf muttered, "what are they doing here?" "Greninja," Ash yelled, "Delphox," Leaf yelled. "All Pokemon will belong to Team Rocket," Jessie muttered. "Go," Meowth yelled before shooting an electric net at Greninja and Delphox. They were recalled to Meowth before Jessie and James jumped through the portal. Just as Meowth was about to jump in the portal, Ash lunged at him. Meowth dodged and Wobbuffet shot a dark energy beam at Ash, stunning him. "Come on, Ash," Leaf yelled as she jumped in the portal followed by Goh. Chloe was too slow and couldn't follow. "What just happened," Ash muttered.

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