Enemies in Unova

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"Alright," Black sighed, "let's start from scratch and hopefully it won't involve either of you yelling at each other. Ash, why do you need our help?" "He's grown too powerful," Ash said, "he's managed to slowly kill us off to the point where there's few of us left. And less of us who can actually do something." "It was your fault for failing to stop him 5 years ago," White said. "Maybe if you weren't such a coward and were actually there, we could've stopped him 5 years ago," Ash said. "Did you seriously just call me a coward," White yelled. "Yes I did," Ash yelled back, "what are you gonna do about it?" "This," White yelled before picking up a mug and throwing it at Ash. He caught it in front of his face. "Did you seriously just do that," Ash said. "What are you gonna do about it," White mocked. "This," Ash said before throwing the mug back at White. She ducked and the mug shattered against the front door. "You think your precious BW Agency will keep you safe from him," Ash yelled, "you think all your security systems, all the precautions you take will keep you safe from him? Nowhere is safe, he'll find you and he'll kill you. He'll kill all of us if we don't come together." "It's kept us safe for 5 years," White said, "it can keep us safe for longer." "It's not keeping you safe," Ash said, "the only reason he's never come after you is because he's been hunting Green." "And what makes you think he won't just continue to hunt Green," White asked. "Because Green Oak is dead," Ash yelled, "Giovanni killed him." "How," White asked. "Green asked me to meet up with him," Ash said, "he gave me something he had been developing with Silver. It can track people based on DNA identity. Giovanni came for him, Green begged me to leave him and helped me escape. I drove away as Giovanni murdered Green on the steps to his lab." "I thought you said that Green Oak had his own research to attend to," Chloe said. "You think I'd tell people I just met, Oh yea my uncle just got murdered by a crime boss," Ash demanded. "Why'd you even involve them," Black asked pointing to Chloe and Goh. "They're Pokedex holders," Ash said, "less of it but still dex holders." "Which generation," White asked. "4th," Ash said. "I see," White said. "What do you mean 4th generation Pokedex holders," Goh asked. "Yea," Chloe said, "what does that mean?" "There are different generations of dex holders," Black explained, "White and I are 2nd generation Pokedex holders." "I'm a 3rd generation dex holder," Ash said, "my uncle Green is a 1st generation Pokédex Holder. He was the first ever Pokédex Holder." "What did you when when you said less of it," Goh asked. "Originally Pokédex's were meant for certain trainers," Ash said. "The best of the best," Black continued. "Prodigies," White finished. "There were exceptions," Ash said, "some people who were not intended to become Pokédex Holders ended up as one anyways." "I was never meant to have a Pokédex," White said, "my Pokédex belonged to someone else before it ended up with me." "My aunt Blue and my uncle Silver stole their Pokédex's," Ash said. "Why would they do that," Chloe asked. "They had a complicated past," Ash said, "neither of the, wanted to go into detail but it had something to do with Ho-oh." "Eventually Pokédex's became easier to make so more and more were produced," Black explained, "which lead to more people becoming Pokédex Holders." "Each generation of Pokédex holder is based on the age gap when they got it," White said, "compared to the age of the other Pokédex holders." "The 1st Generation of Pokédex Holders started with my father, Red, my uncle, Green, and my aunt, Blue," Ash said, "it ended with Emerald." "Who's Emerald," Chloe asked. "It doesn't matter who is he," Ash snapped, "he's dead." "The reason the generations of Pokédex Holders came into being was because of the time difference of Emerald and Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, the next to receive their Pokédex," White said, "there was a 6 year difference from when Emerald received his Pokédex compared to when Diamond, Pearl and Platinum received theirs." "A year later myself and 2 of my friends Cheren and Bianca would receive ours," Black said, "Cheren's would be destroyed and Bianca would give her's to White." "2nd generation of Pokédex Holders would end with Sun and Moon," Ash said. "What happened to them," Goh asked already dreading the answer. "They were killed," Ash said, "Blake ordered them to be killed." "Blake did," White asked. "I remember him telling me about it," Ash said, "he said he didn't want to do it but they had become liabilities to the International Police and their goals directly clashed with his so he ordered them be killed. He didn't do it of course. Next generation started with my friend, Gary, Leaf and I and ended with a trainer from Kalos." "Next generation would be you," Black said. "We're the only 4th Generation Pokédex Holders," Chloe asked. "That we know of," Ash said, "Pokédex's are handed out like candy on halloween now. Green tried to stop it, tried to make it so only the best of the best could get Pokédex's but the technology was too widespread, now Pokédex's are with random trainers, undeserving of Pokédex's." "We're deserving of Pokédex's," Goh defended. Ash said nothing but raised an eyebrow, White scoffed and Black laughed. "Really, what achievements do you have," Black asked. "None but I plan to complete the Pokédex," Goh said, "I'll even capture Mew." "You'll never be a true Pokédex holder until you understand that you can't choose legendary Pokémon, they choose a trainer," Black said, "Mew will pick no one. As for completing the dex, it's already been done by someone I can guarantee is far more skilled than you." "Yea," Goh demanded, "who?" "Crystal," White said, "it was completed by Crystal Jackson. Every Pokémon discovered so far is filled in her Pokédex." "Where is this Crystal," Goh demanded, forgetting what happened to her. "Goh," Chloe whispered, "don't you remember, Crystal is Ash's aunt she's..." "Dead," Ash finished," she's been dead for 5 years, 3 months, 17 days and 4 hours." "How do you..." White wondered before she was cut off. "She can't be that skilled if she's dead," Goh said. "Oh hohoho," White muttered, "yikes." Black facepalmed and Chloe sighed before sinking back into his seat. "What did you just say," Ash asked dead serious. "S-she can't b-be that skilled if she's dead," Goh repeated, this time it sounded more like a question. Ash shot up before grabbing Goh by the throat. "My aunt is one of the bravest, selfless people I know," Ash yelled, "she was like a mother to me, she's twice the dex holder you'll ever be. Give up on your dream, you'll never be as good as her." Ash dropped him and Goh gasped for air. A loud explosion rocked the house and they were all thrown back. White ended up in the kitchen, Black was not too far away from her. Goh had been thrown against a wall and Chloe ended up down the hallway. Ash crept to the blinds and looked out, as he suspected, Giovanni was standing there. "It's him," Ash said. "You lured him to us," White yelled. "I couldn't have," Ash yelled back, "he had no way of knowing that I was in Unova. He was coming for you." "What's the plan," Black asked. "White, you take Goh and Chloe and leave," Ash said, "Black and I will buy you time." "Where am I taking them," White asked. "Head for Kanto," Ash said, "that's where they live." White went out the back door where Chloe and Goh followed her. "I guess this is it," Ash said, "see you on the other side." Ash kicked the jammed door open.

"Ash Ketchum, what a lovely surprise," Giovanni said. "Would never expect to find you here," Ash said sarcastically. "Where's Black and White," Giovanni asked. "Black and White," Ash repeated, "well Black's right there." Ash said pointing to the doorway where Black emerged from. Black waved at Giovanni. "White, we'll she's out like a light," Ash lied, "an explosion with do that to someone." Suddenly there was a noise like a rocket going off. They all looked. Goh was riding his Golurk with Chloe and White was riding her Mandibuzz. "Ahh," Giovanni roared as he got shocked by lightning. "Ah ah ah," Ash said, "eyes on me or you'll get shocked." "I will make your death painfully slow," Giovanni snarled. "Someone's mad," Black muttered. "Aggron use Flash Cannon," Giovanni yelled. "Scatter," Black yelled before diving right. Ash dived to the left. "Go Bo," Black yelled, throwing out a Pokéball, "use Flare Blitz." Ash was about to call on Pikachu and Eevee but remembered they weren't with White for extra protection. "Go Infernape," Ash yelled, "use Close Combat." "Use Rock Slide," Giovanni yelled. "Use Flamethrower," Ash and Black yelled. "Protect," Giovanni yelled, "return. Go Dugtrio use Earthquake." "Protect," Ash and Black both yelled. "Infernape use Grass Knot," Ash yelled, "Bo use Flare Blitz," Black yelled. "Ack," Giovanni grunted, "Dugtrio use Dig." "Infernape use Protect," Ash yelled. "Bo use Earthquake," Black yelled. Dugtrio was thrown out of the ground due to the double power Earthquake. "Return," Giovanni said, "go Rhyperior." "Old man's a bit angry," Ash taunted. "Rhyperior use Surf," Giovanni yelled. "Protect," Black and Ash yelled. "Earthquake," Giovanni yelled. This broke through the protect and Infernape and Emboar were hit. "Stone Edge," Giovanni yelled. "Look out," Ash yelled. "Return," Black said. "Return," Ash said. Suddenly his Pokédex pinged. "Go Musha," Black yelled. "Go Greninja," Ash yelled. Black checked what it said. 'Make an opening, this isn't about beating Giovanni, it's about escaping to beat him with more numbers.' From Ash. "Musha use Psychic," Black yelled. "Greninja use Water Shuriken," Ash yelled. Ash's Pokédex pinged. 'Buy me some time, I'll see what I can do.' From Black. Ash looked over and his Musharna was hovering over his head. The only thing was that Giovanni looked just as confused as Ash felt. "Use Stone Edge," Giovanni yelled. "Dark Pulse," Ash yelled. "Blank," Black muttered, "Black and White, my mind is blank." "Greninja use Night Slash," Ash yelled. "Rhyperior use Thunder Punch." "Greninja return," Ash said. "Go Sceptile," Ash yelled. "I've figured it out," Black muttered. "Use Frenzy Plant," Ash yelled. "Ice Beam," Giovanni yelled. Ash's Pokédex pinged. 'I'll distract him, try and get in from behind to launch a powerful attack so we can escape.' From Black. "Musharna use Energy Ball," Black yelled, "Sceptile use Leaf Blade," Ash yelled before running and sliding behind Giovanni. He didn't notice due to the fact he thought that Ash was with his Sceptile. "Snorlax use Explosion," Ash yelled. Giovanni realised what happened but had not time to shield himself. Smoke covered the area. "Sceptile, Snorlax return," Ash yelled, "go Swellow. Get us out of here." "Go Brav," Black yelled before jumping on its back. When the smoke cleared they were small dots on the horizon. Giovanni stood in a crater, tattered clothes. "Victoria," Giovanni said into his comms. "Yes boss," Victoria replied. "Alert the others," Giovanni said, "we might just have a crisis on our hands. Ash has joined forces with Black and White."

"Good to see you're all safe," Ash said before Pikachu and Eevee jumped on his shoulder. Black and White embraced in a hug. "Why'd we stop here," Chloe asked, "this isn't Vermillion." "I wanted to show Black and White something," Ash said, "this is Pallet Town. The resting place of the dead Pokédex Holders." "They're all over there," White asked. "Most of them," Ash said, "that died in recent years. Come have a look."

"Boss," a voice said, "Ash has returned to Kanto." "Good," Blake said, "I think it's about time to visit my old friend. After all he's supposed to be dead."

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