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Harry woke up with a start, his scar and hair glistening with sweat. With heavy breaths he hurled himself out of bed and made his way to the kitchen of No.12 Grimmauld Place.

Ever since the war, Kreacher had become more respectful and dare he say- sweet towards Harry, he was grateful that the black-haired boy had helped him accomplish his Master Regulus's last wishes of destroying the locket.

So, Kreacher spent his days cleaning the house and redeeming itself into its original, majestic and quite cleaner state, thankfully.

Gulping down a glassful of cool water, he sat down on top of the kitchen counter.

The war had affected every magical being alike. It changed Kreacher's views on Purebloods, the house-elf even managed to say Hermione's name without calling her the 'm'- word.

Harry had been the center of the war, it was simple to say that he was affected by it the most. Ron and Hermione had become each other's coping mechanism, they found solace in each other. After years of romantic tension, they had finally gotten together and Ron had taken Hermione to Australia on a quest to find her parents as a way to distract himself of off the ache in his heart which came with the passing of Fred.

Ginny and him didn't work out either. Over the time Harry spent away from Hogwarts hunting Horcruxes and planning Voldemort's demise, Ginny had moved on and discovered that she was actually in love with Luna.

Harry sighed, he missed his friends, he hasn't talked to them in days, maybe he should owl Luna and the others to come over for dinner.

Harry had nightmares almost every night.

Every night one of his friends or a member of his adopted family would be murdered right in front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything, except watch. But the nightmare that had woken him up today at six in the morning was different.

He had dreamt of the Fienfyre incident in the Room of Requirements, or as Ron liked to call it- RoR.

He had saved Malfoy that night from dying.

But this time, in the nightmare, just before he grabbed the pale, slender hand, Malfoy's foot slipped and he fell down into the fire, screaming Harry's name so loudly that it was audible over the roaring fire.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his palms against them so that white spots appeared behind his eyelids. Swallowing the heavy lump formed in his throat, he traced the outline of his lightening bolt scar, imagining if Neville had been the Chosen One, his life would have been so different. He would have both his parents and his godfathers with him.

But he wasn't that cruel to wish this harsh destiny upon his dear friend.

Maybe in another life, he thought, his parents would be alive and well.

Later that day, Harry found himself thinking- more like day-dreaming, about the blond Slytherin.

He remembered Draco quite vividly since he spent most of his sixth year staring at him. He remembered his platinum blond hair which was always covered with gel, milky-white skin and sharp grey eyes that always glared at Harry.

The last time he had seen Draco was after the Battle of Hogwarts. The three Malfoys had sat together in a corner of the Great Hall, unsure whether they were to leave or stay. Some time later, Lucius was arrested by the Aurors whereas Draco and Narcissa had not been arrested on insisting and request of many Hogwarts students who had seen them fighting against the Death Eaters. Luna had also testified for them, saying that while she was captured at the Manor, they provided her food and water and helped her with her injuries.

The two Malfoys had thanked everyone profusely for their help, this showed that they had changed, forgetting their old conservative views they had learned to be grateful. They stayed back and helped with the injuries and rebuilding of Hogwarts for showing their gratitude.

Harry ran a hand through his nest of a hair, wondering what they were doing now, what Draco was doing now.

His thoughts, which were slowly filling up with the blond, were interrupted by a barn owl pecking loudly at the window of his living room. He got up from the sofa and let the owl in.

The owl was the size of Hedwig- another beloved companion he had lost over the years. The owl hooted, nuzzled into his palm and lifted it's leg with the scroll tied to it.

He untied the letter with his hands and smiled broadly (something he hasn't done in a while) at the wax stamp on the envelope.

He was going back to Hogwarts. He was going back to his home.



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