twenty six

242 22 22

tw//slight description of sexual content
but nothing explicit. You ain't getting smut 🤚

Warning: Awkward Harry

Hot, warm and slick hands laced in his as he watched the boy under him writhe in pleasure.

Beautiful. He thought dazedly.

He could hear moans of his own name and couldn't even bother to close his mouth as the name of the blond, who looked utterly breathtaking underneath him close his eyes as pleasure overtook them, escaped his parted, swollen lips.

His eyes raked every inch of the pale expanse of the skin he could lay eyes on, relishing and praising the small purple bruises on his neck. And when he heard his own name leave those kissable lips, Harry couldn't help but groan and....

"Draco!" Harry gasped and sat up in his bed upright. His face flushed red and breath heavy. He blinked a few times to slow down his racing thoughts. An uncomfortable tightness in his boxers coaxed him out of bed and into the warm shower.

He couldn't be more grateful for a personal dorm room right now.

With wide eyes and sweaty hands he stepped under the warm water.

As the droplets dripped over his tanned body, shame and guilt crashed over him in waves. He shouldn't think about Draco like this, it seemed wrong and very filthy. He's just a friend— nothing more, he said to himself and closed his eyes.

After he had missed breakfast, he had realised that he was late for Potions. He dashed through the halls to the Potions classroom and opened the door to find the students paired up and working. The only person who wasn't paired up was Draco.

The class had sniggered when they had seen a very shabbily dressed, damp hair and red faced Harry Potter breathing in shallow breaths at the door.

Harry had apologized to Slughorn and then moved to sit next to the only empty seat.

Normally, Harry would have been ecstatic to sit next to his crush but now, he wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow him up.

Draco had looked at him in amusement, "Sleep well?" He asked with a smirk. Harry choked on air and coughed violently before sitting next to him. People around him looked at him weirdly but nevertheless ignored him.

They were working on the Potion soon after that. Harry stirred the Potion but he couldn't concentrate. Ever since he had been sitting there, he felt like every limb in his body was alight with nerves around Draco. He stirred and stirred until he could only think about Draco.

"Potter?" Draco hissed under his breath. "What are you doing?"

Harry jerked up and looked at him frantically, "What?"

"You are going to ruin this brew," He sounded annoyed. "Here let me do it!" He pushed Harry aside and worked on the potion himself.

Harry was grateful for that, he had no idea what he was doing. He rested his chin on his arms and looked at Draco who was working. He really needed to stay away from the blond if he wanted to keep from making a fool out of himself.

For the rest of the class, they barely talked. As soon as the brew was completed and the bell rang, Harry dashed out of the room and was the first one out. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he realised that he had no more classes with Draco for the rest of the day.

"Potter!" Draco called out.

"Y-Yes?" Harry widened his eyes and stepped backwards. Draco furrowed his brows, "You seem," He paused, "tense. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, Yeah! Everything is alright." He nodded frantically.

"Sure?" His voice laced with concern.

"Yeah," Harry looked at his left to see Neville walking by, "I just remembered that I had to talk to Neville— okay, see you. Bye!" He strutted towards Neville and waved at him.

".....bye?" Draco said in confusion. Maybe he got hit in the head, Draco thought.

Draco had noticed that Potter was definitely avoiding him. Everytime Draco had tried talking to him, Harry had turned red and made some incoherent excuse before leaving hurriedly.

He wondered if he had done or said something wrong, Potter and him were hanging out more than usual. He really hoped that he hadn't fucked up this friendship.

Harry's shoulder's sagged with relied as he reached the safety of his dorm. Finally! He thought. He could be finally alone and away from Draco and guilt of today's dream.

He had promised himself that he would apologize to Draco for his weird behavior and make up some stupid excuse. He really hoped he hadn't fucked up whatever he had going on with Draco.



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