thirty nine

239 19 22

tw//mentions of death; nothing graphic or extreme

The windows were shut tightly, silencing the loud howling of the wind outside. The dorm was silent, not one sound could be heard except the even breathing of two teenage boys who were sound asleep in the beds of the room.

Harry jerked awake, his breath shallow and forehead sweaty. He swallowed hard before gulping down the glass of water on the bedside table.

Another nightmare about Draco dying in his arms. He needed to make sure he was okay. He needed to make sure Draco was alive and well.

He got out of bed, his footsteps light on the floorboard. He dropped down to his knees next to the bed and took his hand in his, the soft pale skin contrasting beautifully against his darker skin.

Draco huffed and mumbled in his sleep, turning on his side to face Harry. His face was peaceful, calm and serene. He looked beautiful.

Harry calmed down his heart, Draco was safe and sound with him. Harry gave his hand a loving squeeze and moved to get back to his bed but he felt a sudden grip on his hand.

Draco had a frown on his face, his eyes squezed shut and his head flailing about. His breath became heavy and he mumbled, "Please don't- don't kill her. Don't kill him. Take me. Fuck."

Harry gasped, "Draco. Wake up." He shook his shoulders, "Wake up, love. Please, wake up." He pleaded.

Draco woke up with a loud gasp, his hair stuck to his face and his eyes wild with fear.

"Harry- he's gonna kill mum. He going to kill mum. No. No." He cried out.

Harry placed hands on his shoulders, "It's okay. Nobody is killing everybody. He's dead. You're safe. Everyone in safe."

Draco nodded mutely and let out a muffled sob, "But-." His eyes filled with tears, "He killed you too. I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me." Harry raised their conjoined hands, "Look, I'm right here. We're both here. Safe."

"Safe. We're here. You're here." Draco repeated. "You won't leave me, right?"

"I could never."

Draco sniffled, "Good, because I don't want you to." Harry felt his heart do a flip-flop.

"Me too, Draco." Draco reached forward to hug him, arms wrapping tightly around his torso; Harry hugged him back just as tightly, his hair tickling his nose.

"I like you." Draco whispered. He doesn't know what made him say this, maybe the overwhelming emotions made him spill his feelings or maybe the fact that he just woke up from a nightmare where he watched Harry die in his arms.

Harry tensed, his heart thundering loudly like the storm outside.

"What?" Harry pulled back.

"Fuck. Sorry. This is the worst time for me to say this." Draco covered his face with his palms, "But yes, it's true. I like you." He whispered the last part.

"Look, I know that I said that I don't have feelings for you when you confessed to me and this is just completely fucked up. I'm sorry for hurting you but I'm confused as well." Harry cupped his face and lifted his head up.

"Draco." Harry said, "Look at me."

Draco reluctantly removed his hands, "Harry?"

Harry sighed and pressed their foreheads together. "It's okay."

"Yes, you hurt me. But it's okay because I still do care about you so, so much." Harry breathed, "I can't stop thinking about you."

"I can't stop thinking about you either." Draco said and kissed his cheek, hot breath fanning across his skin.

"Oh fuck- Draco." Harry breathed, "I want to kiss you."

Draco held his face and kissed him, whimpering his name softly. "Harry." They parted their lips and kissed again, limbs trembling.

"Draco." Harry pulled back and traced his cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. Draco smiled, "Wow." He said with a laugh.

"Wow indeed." Harry laughed with him and ran his fingers through his blond hair.

Draco grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer, "Can we sleep together?"

"Okay." Harry kissed the corner of his lips.

Draco smiled brightly and slipped under the duvet with Harry, their slick, warm and heated bodies snuggled and cuddled under the maroon sheet; all memories of nightmares forgotten.

The morning came soon. Sun filtered through the gaps between the curtains, Draco woke up with a soft groan, his nose buried in Harry's neck.

Harry hummed and ran a hand over his back, he planted little kisses on the top of his head. "Morning, beautiful." He whispered.

Draco blinked open his eyes and smiled bashfully, "Morning." He rested his chin on Harry's chest.

Harry had dreamed of waking up like this since the beginning of his friendship with Draco. Now it was actually happening, every moment felt surreal like it was magical.

Draco was magic. His Draco.



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