thirty one

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"Hey Draco," Harry nodded and turned back to his Quidditch magazine. Draco pouted internally, Potter had been like this ever since he had gotten drunk and sobbed all over him.

He really didn't want to lose another friend just because of his stupid mistake.

"Potter." He poked Harry's shoulder.

"What?" Harry looked at him again with a blank expression. Draco sighed, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said plainly.

"You're lying."

"Am not."

"Yes, you are." Draco huffed and sat in the chair in front of him. His shoulders slumped, "Did I say anything weird when I was drunk?"

Harry shook his head, "No, you didn't, I just miss Ron and 'Mione." He lied.

He was really hurt when Draco fell asleep before he could hear his confession. He knew it was wrong to talk to Draco about such matters when he was not entirely sober, yet he felt upset at the very thought of him confessing and getting no response.

"Oh." Draco fell back in the chair and bit his lip thoughtfully. Potter missed his friends, it had nothing to do with him.


His green eyes lifted to meet his and then Harry looked away. He was afraid he'll never stop gazing into those eyes and make a fool out of himself. Instead he gazed out of the around the library.

The place smelled like books and wood, it reminded him of Hermione. Madam Pince, was prowled around and hissed at students whoever spoke even above a whisper and made sure that all books were in pristine condition.

He grinned slightly before looking back at Draco who was still deep in thought. Then his eyes lighted up, like an idea had struck him.

He leaned forward conspiratorially and looked around to make sure nobody was listening, "What if we do something crazy?" He smirked.

Harry raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "And what exactly do you mean by crazy?"

Draco grinned, "I have a plan......"

"Shhh!" Harry muffled his laughter behind his palm. Draco elbowed him to shut him up.

"Will you keep quiet!" He whisper shouted. Harry fell silent and peeked over Draco's shoulder to see Slughorn leaving for dinner a small grin still evident on his face.

In their next Potions class, they were going to continue brewing a potion for people who are allergic to animals, it was a rather complicated potion and took about two to three weeks to be completed.

Draco had brainstormed and had come up with an idea to cheer him up. Harry felt warm at the very thought.

They tip toed into the classroom. Draco went into the storage room to fetch the required ingredients while Harry uncovered the cauldrons with a swish of his wand.

"Here," Draco placed a few strings into his palm. "Merpeople hair."

Harry grimaced and according to their plan, added three strands into each simmering cauldron and covered them again.

"Mission accomplished." He saluted Draco mockingly. Draco sniggered, "This is going to be phenomenal. I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Me too," He gazed happily at the blond.

The two boys were the first ones in class, not wanting to miss the fun that was about to happen. The students filed into the class slowly, each one opening the cauldrons and their books.

Slughorn announced for all of them to continue brewing. As each student added the rat tails in the cauldron, it blew up like a volcano, covering every student near it in a pink glob. The liquid made a whoosh noise as it sprayed over the stunned faces of the students.

Harry and Draco held in their laughter and scooted to a corner to watch the fun unfold. Slughorn gasped and asked Dean to move back but the potion erupted and covered the Potions master in pink goo. He spluttered in indignation.

Harry burst out laughing along with all the other students. Draco chuckled under his breath.

Since the Potion didn't seem to giving any side effects, one of the students yelled.

"Potion fight!"

All hell broke loose.

Every single student scooped handfuls of pink goo and splashed them onto each other.

Slughorn squeaked and hurriedly left the room with his tail between his legs, knowing he couldn't stop the students.

Harry sneaked a bit of the potion in his hand and turned towards Draco, smiling sweetly. Draco raised an eyebrow at him, moving back cautiously one step at a time. He lifted up a finger as a warning.

"Potter." He gritted his teeth but Harry wasn't listening. He flung the scoop of Potion onto Draco's face.

"Oops." Harry grinned sheepishly. Draco gasped as pink goo dripped down the side of his face.

"You are going to regret that!" He seethed and picked up a nearby cauldron.

Harry screamed as Draco emptied half a cauldron onto his robes. They ran around the class dodging and ducking each other as the Potions room's walls were covered pink.

The rest of the students still threw the Potion at each other with no care in the world. Among them were Harry and Draco who were too occupied with each other to even spare a glance at the other students.



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