forty three

210 13 10

Draco let out a sigh of contentment as he gazed at the Sydney Opera House. The sky was painted with hues of orange, red, pink and yellow.

He inhales the salty air of the sea below, his eyes fixated on the rising sun in the far distance. The soft sound of the waves crashing and the chirrup of the seagulls made him feel exhilarated.

"Mhm Draco?" Harry's sleepy voice filtered through the air as he yawned. Draco looked at him and smiled.

"Why are you up so early?" He came closer and hugged him, nuzzling into his hair.

"Wanted to see the rising sun." He looked at the large orange ball of fire. It looked so bright and beautiful.

Harry rested his chin on his shoulder, blinking lazily as he hugged Draco tightly.

They fell asleep soon, limbs tangled, clothes bodies pressed together and lips upturned into happy smiles that would soon be gone.

Good things don't last long. Everything was too perfect, too closed up and very quiet.

Things had to fall apart someday.

Today was the day when Draco would confess his love for Harry and everything would crumble apart like autumn leaves crunching under your feet, crushed and abandoned.

Draco hummed to himself as he shimmied to the song playing on the radio, he danced around the room with happiness.

It was evening time and Harry had gone out to get take away for dinner. They had spent most of their trip travelling and exploring Australia.

It was their last day there and Draco wanted it to be just the two of them together. He decorated the hotel room with rose petals, lighting candles here and there. He set two glasses of red wine at the table and waited for his Harry to come soon.

The twist of the door knob and Harry entered with a giddy smile, "Hey." He said brightly and immediately fell dumb as he stared around the room. "What the—?" He gasped. "Wow."

Draco chuckled, "Thank you."He kissed Harry's cheek. " Did you get the food?"

"Yes," Harry held up the bag full of Chinese food and placed it on the table. They sat close together, eating silently all the while sharing loving glances.

Draco cleared his throat after sipping the last of his wine and laced their hands together. "I need to tell you something." He bit his lip nervously.

Harry stood up and followed him to the open balcony. It was a moonless night, completely different from the night Harry had proposed.

Draco went down on one knee.

Harry gasped.

"We're too young to get married," Draco laughed softly, "So I want to promise you that I'll be forever yours."

Harry inhaled sharply.

"I love you, Harry." Draco whispered and kissed his hand. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't change anything about us. You make me happy. I promise that I'll cherish you forever, hold you forever and always love you."

Harry sobbed, guilt and disappointment flushing over him like the waves crashing over the sea below. He sat down near the railing on the floor, his body heaving with wrecked cries.

"I'm sorry. Draco, I'm sorry." He gasped between breaths, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He chanted through his tears.

Draco could only scramble for him, his mind buzzing with confusion. "Harry, love? What's wrong?"

"I lied to you. I made you lie to me, to yourself." He whimpered pathetically, "You don't love me. You can't."

"Harry? Please stop. What are you trying to say?" Draco cried out.

"Please don't hate me." Harry sniffled, finally stopping his sobs.

"I could never." Draco whispered.



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