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Draco nuzzled his nose against Harry's and pecked the raven-haired boy's lips gently. Harry smiled against his lips and kissed back.

"I love you," His grey eyes shone brightly, full of warmth with a promise of love.

"I love you too," Harry replied pulling him closer to himself. Harry looked safe, loved, happy and content.

This was unlike the real Harry who was sat in front of the Mirror of Erised. He stared at the reflection of Draco and him, kissing and just loving each other. He wanted that- needed that more than anything.

He craved for love. His soul felt dark, empty and emotionless. His emerald eyes shone greedily in the dimly lit Room of Requirements as he stared at the mirror.

He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. A choked sob escaped his throat when his parents came into the mirror as well, they greeted Draco like their son, smiling and hugging him. James hugged mirror Harry and patted him on the back, Lily kissed his cheek softly and ran a comforting hand over his shoulder which made him look happier. Loved.

Harry's throat closed up, his eyes welled with tears and he broke down into sobs. He wrapped his arms around his knees, and rocked back and forth, crying into his arms.

His muffled cries echoed in the empty room.

Harry wished more than ever that someone would be there to comfort him. Soothe him. And most importantly, Love him.

But all there was an empty room.



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