twenty seven

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Harry smiled as Draco told him a story from his childhood at the Manor.

"Then the lady kept running into the forest behind the Manor as the dogs kept chasing her." Draco laughed and Harry snorted.

"That's not all, Father had to pay seven hundred galleons to run a search party for her!" He grinned. Harry full on burst out laughing. 

It wasn't uncommon to find the old rivals sitting in the Courtyard and having a good chat. The students and teacher had expressions akin to shock as they looked at the two boys who would've hexed each other not even a few years ago, get along and converse happily.

They were becoming better friends now, Harry barely missed 'Mione and Ron anymore. He felt that the hole in his heart was getting filled slowly.

They wrote to him quite often, updating him about their life at the Burrow and how therapy is getting better for them. Although he was sure that Hermione was the one sending him the extra detailed ones so that she could compel him to join therapy as well. 

November was soon fading away, bringing them to the end of their first semester at Hogwarts. So much has happened since then. Draco and his friendship, Narcissa, Fred's portrait, Ron and Mione leaving and again, Draco and his blooming friendship.

He really wanted to move further from friendship but he didn't want to push Draco. 

He could wait eternity for him.

He laughed again as Draco laughed at his own joke. Harry considered his laugh to be absolutely melodic to his ears. He wanted to listen to it everyday. He always wanted Draco to smile.

Draco wasn't particularly happy when Potter had bought up the subject of coming out to his friends. "Ron thought I had a crush on him." He snorted. 

Draco grimaced at the thought of ever feeling attracted to that red hair of a mess. He shuddered and shook away the thought, marveling at the fact why Granger had actually gotten with him.

"Potter?" He asked curiously, "I knew I was gay because I liked Theo. There must be someone for you as well?" He raised his brows.

Harry's cheeks tinted pink, "There isn't anyone."

"I don't believe you."

"Fine, then don't," He crossed his arms.

"I thought we weren't keeping any secrets."

"And I thought I could have some privacy," He gritted his teeth and Draco scoffed. "Fine, you have your privacy." 

"Thank you," Harry huffed. 

A moment of silence, "Have you told your friends?"

"Tell them what?" 

"That you're gay," Harry looked at him.

"Only Theo knows," Draco shifted in his seat, "I'll tell Blaise and Pansy later."

"Huh." Harry licked his lips, "Alright. But I think you should tell them as soon as you are ready."

"Why? I mean, can't I tell them later," 

"Hey, it's okay to be nervous, I was too when I told Ron and Mione." He placed a comforting palm on his knee and offered a gentle smile, "I hope it goes well." 

"Yeah, me too." Draco bit his lip. Maybe he should tell them.

Two antagonizing weeks of overthinking and over-analysation Draco built up the courage to tell his friends about his sexuality.

"I'm going to tell them tonight, after dinner." Draco confirmed it to Harry.

Harry smiled, "Good, I'm proud of you. All the best!" 

Draco swallowed heavily, "Potter? It's going to be alright? Yeah?" Harry nodded, consoling him. "Just take a deep breath and relax. It will be alright."

Draco smiled and gave him a short hug that, as cliche as it sounds, made butterflies erupt in his stomach. Millions of them.

"Thanks." He smiled that beautiful smile of his that made Harry want to kiss him.

"Of course," Harry ran a hand through his hair  making it stick up at the back. Draco rolled his eyes and laughed, his nerves at ease now.



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