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Draco felt light, joyful and dizzy. The two shots of Firewhiskey in him made confidence course through him so he could be where he was now.

He was pressed up against Theo and it felt completely and wholly wonderful. They swayed together, the adrenaline in him making everything seem brighter.

Sober Draco could never have the courage to do this.

Theo whispered jokes close to his ear, warm breath fanning over the pale expanse of his neck, making a dark red color crawl up to his pale cheekbones as he let out a laugh.

"Theo," Draco finally said, "I need to tell you something."


Draco looked down, suddenly fidgety and apprehensive. "Erm--"

"Come on, Draco. You know you can trust me." He gave a lopsided smile, looking him in the eye.

Draco blushed and looked away.

"I'm gay." Draco blurted out gently. His heart skipped a beat, he didn't regret saying those words, he had to someday.

The only feeling he had was of fear. He didn't want to see disgust or hatred in the eyes he loved the most. Those stormy grey eyes that drove him absolutely crazy.

Theo flashed him a proud smile, "That's great! Im gald you trust me enough, mate." Theo squeezed his arms in a encouraging way.

They moved off the dance floor to one of the corner armchairs and just chatted happily.

Theo took a long sip from his glass of beer, wiping the foam build on his upper lip with the back of his palm.

Draco didn't drink more, he didn't want to do something he'd regret, like snog Theo or dance like an idiot.

Theo stared off into the distance, "She's beautiful, yeah?" His brown hair shaded his forehead, his eyes looking adoringly at a person far away on the other side of the room.

Draco looked to where he had gestured, "Pansy?"

"No." Theo shook his head and gulped down the rest of his drink, "Millie. She looks beautiful."

Draco bit his lip, "Yeah, she does." He felt disappointed, his heart clenched painfully.

Theo let out a chuckle. "I have to tell you something as well, Draco." Draco nodded, encouraging him. "I have been going out with Millie." He gave a coy smile and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh." A pang in his chest.

"Yeah, she's just so amazing, yeah? I really care about her." He looked at her dazedly, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, it's just that, so much had been going on with Cissy."

Draco hummed. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth, he couldn't move it, not allowing him to form words. Fear and uneasiness set into him.

"She's amazing." He sighed happily, "Do you think she'll say yes if I ask her to be my girlfriend?" He looked inquisitively at the blond.

Another blow to his chest hitting him right at his heart, "Yeah, of course." His throat felt dry, he picked up a nearby glass of amber liquid and downed it in one go.

Theo grinned, "Thanks, mate!" Theo moved towards Millie. A spark in his eyes only for her.

Millie was always seen by other as the fat girl and the overweight girl. But Theo never cared about that. He loved her inside and out. She was a kind and beautiful soul who was judged by people without thinking.

He was completely and utterly in love with her.

When he asked her to dance with him, he didn't even notice the boy with blond hair, his running out of the room, pushing people out of his way. His only focus was on the way Millie smiled at him, the way she blushed when he asked her out and how absolutely stunning she looked.

Millie felt happy. She felt like she finally belonged. In a world where people cared for how thin and fit a person should be, she had found her place, it was with the handsome brunet who looked at her as if she was his world and Millie had fallen for him.


I've been planning Theo × Millie ever since I've started this fic and yeah, it's a beautiful ship, in my opinion-- Or in the way I've portrayed it here. I like the thought of loving someone no matter how they look like. It's the personality that matters more not the looks. You are beautiful. You deserve everything.

Just remember that you cannot judge people based off on the way they look. Everyone is beautiful, inside and outside. [except if they are like Umbridge Or Voldy, just nO]



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