twenty two

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Harry and Ron both woke up with a hangover and a glaring Hermione standing at the door of their dorm.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gave them both a hangover potion with a shake of her head. Her lips were pursed and eyes narrowed at the two.

The boys grimaced at the taste of the potion yet sighed in relief as the pain in their forehead subsided substantially.

Hermione kissed Ron's forehead and sat next to him, "Had fun drinking last night?" She asked.

Harry and Ron shared a scared look. "We didn't drink that much, 'Mione." Ron gave her a sheepish grin.

"Don't lie to me." She said blankly. "I'm not lying! Ask Harry!"

She turned to Harry and raised her brows at him.

Harry gulped, "I'll just go-- to the-- er-- bathroom--" He left hurriedly, not wanting to be caught up in another one of their domestics.

Hermione rolled her eyes and took Ron's hand in hers, "Look, Ron, I'm not mad at you for drinking but you promised me you'll tell Harry your decision. And judging the way he behaved, I believe he doesn't know yet."

"Yeah, I know, 'Mione." Ron sighed, "I just don't want him to feel like we're bailing on him. He's just been so lost recently. I don't want to leave him alone." Not again.

The last two words were unspoken yet their weight hung heavily between the couple.

The frilly haired witch placed a hand on his arm, "He'll understand your reason. I'm sure." She gave him a smile, "And if you don't feel like telling him then maybe I can--?" She added tentatively.

"No, no, I'll tell him." Ron nodded, determined.

"Okay," She smiled and Ron placed a kiss on her lips.

"Ew, you smell, go shower, then you'll get kisses." She wrinkled her nose and inched away from him.

Ron chuckled and gave her a hug.

A few minutes later a slightly scared Harry peeked out from the bathroom, "Can I come out now?"

"Of course you can, Harry!" Hermione threw him an exasperated look. "Just checking, I don't wanna get caught up in one of your arguments again," He shrugged and Ron threw a pillow at him which he caught easily.

Harry passed him a cheeky grin.

"Harry," Ron called him a few moments later, he hummed from his bed and looked at Ron, "What?"

"We need to talk to you, it's very important." Hermione gave him an encouraging nod.

"Erm--" Ron started, "yeah-- I'll just tell you later. Never mind"

She gave Ron a tell-him-now-or-I-will-or-I-will look which made the red-head gulp.

Harry watched this exchange with an amused expression.

Ron cleared his throat a few times, "Okay look, I'll make this clear. I haven't been the..... best of myself over the past few months, and I thought that after we found Fred's portrait I felt better. But the truth is, I don't."

Hermione laced her fingers through his, giving him courage just through her touch. Ron's posture seemed to be relieved of much of the built up tension.

He gave her a small smile and suddenly Harry felt like they were in their own world, where there were just the two of them. He felt like he he always did, a bloody third wheel.

They looked away from each other at the same time at a bored Harry. "You two done being a mushy fluffy couple?" He said blankly.

"Shut up!" They said in unison.

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