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"Mum is in the hospital," came out the meek whisper from his dry lips. As soon as the words reached his ears, Harry's breath stopped.

Draco was trembling, his breathing uneven and his eyes glossy. The letter dropped onto the grass in a slow movement and before he knew it, he was enveloped in arms, the smell of treacle tarts and broomstick polish took over his senses as he bit back tears.

Draco pursed his lips and clutched at Harry's shirt with his right hand.

"She's gonna be alright," Harry whispered and pressed a feather-light kiss onto the blond locks. Draco slowly wrapped his arms around Harry's waist and pressed his face into his chest for a few moments before pulling back. "I need to go. I need to go see her!"

Harry nodded, "Alright, let's go."

With a quick movement they ran up to the castle.

Draco stumbled into McGonagall's office with Harry on his heels.

"Mr. Malfoy? Mr. Potter?" She exclaimed, placing a hand over her heart, "There is a door for a reason!"

"My mother is in the hospital!" Draco gasped out, "I need to go to her, now!"

"Yes! Professor! You need to let us Floo there as soon as possible,"

"I do know of the circumstances your mother is in, Mr. Malfoy. I too have received urgent mail from St. Mungo's stating that your mother is gravely ill." She sighed and took off her spectacles and placed them on the table before her, "I have a arranged a Portkey for you to travel there at five pm today. I suggest you go wear something appropriate," She looked over his messed appearance with pursed lips and cat-like eyes, "And please do take a breath I'm sure she'll be fine soon enough."

Draco opened his mouth to speak but McGonagall raised a brow at him in challenge. His eyes widened as he swallowed and nodded, turning to leave the office, "Thank you, I'll see you here at five, Professor."

She looked at Harry, "And as for you Mr. Potter, you need not accompany him, he is perfectly capable of going to see his own mother."

Harry opened his mouth to interrupt but was shushed

"Do I make myself clear, Mr. Potter?"

"Yes," He grumbled under his breath, "I should take my leave. Thank you, Professor."

She nodded and watched him leave, a thoughtful expression on her wrinkled face.

She had noticed something.

She noticed the longing and loving glances Harry sent at the blond which reminded her of James looking at Lily.

Her heart squeezed in her chest, Oh how she missed that little devil!, she still remembers the day when James was first rejected by Lily and he had been crying in the corner of her classroom. And how when she gave him a biscuit, he had sobbed into her arms like a small baby. She had encouraged him not to give up, and that's what he had done. For years, he asked Lily out and finally in thier seventh year she saw him happy, happier than she had ever seen him and it warmed her heart.

He truly was like a son to her, Minnie!- He used to call her affectionately, along with Sirius, Remus and Peter.

She sighed, they were gone too soon.

Harry deserved a life with his parents full of happiness. She could only hope that he could find happiness somewhere else, maybe even with a certain blond.



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