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tw// death

Draco felt hopeful. He hasn't felt that glimmer of warmth in his chest in a while. That spark that made him feel that after all everything would be better.

His mother was faring better than before. Her smile becoming more real and beautiful by the day, the pink glow in her cheeks returning.

Theo had been also spending a lot of time with him and Draco couldn't suppress the spark of hope to ignite even further. Maybe he had a chance with him?

But how wrong he was he did not know.

The small disheartening feeling bloomed again when Theo guiltily told him again this week that he won't be able to join him to visit his mother.

Maybe he is busy? Or he just didn't want to be with me? Draco sighed dejectedly.

"I'm sorry," Theo's mouth was set into a small frown. "I really wish I could come with you but I have some urgent work that came up." He gave a guilty look, "I hope she's doing well! I'll come next week. I promise."

Draco could only give him a small smile and bade him goodbye. He flooed to the hospital from McGonagall's office.

She wasn't there, he assumed she must be visiting Fred Weasley. Everyone was nowadays.

He did too once, in the dead of the night, and that was to apologize. They two had spent the rest of the night in teasing and chatter about the past, all hate and rivalry forgotten.

The white walls of the hospital appeared as the green flames around him dissipated. Having walked down the same corridors every weekend for the past few weeks, he made his way easily to the familiar room where his mother was.

The spark of hope grew again as he saw his mother sat upright, in her hands was a book, her face was twisted in concentration and her lips mouthed the words as she read.

A smile graced his face. He remembered seeing her read books in the Library of the Manor. She always used to love reading books and every night in the summer when Draco was home from Hogwarts, she used to read out to Draco.

Under the light of her wand, Draco was taken to many fantasy and fictional worlds alike. His mother smiling and him laughing in the middle of the night enclosed by a silencing charm so that Lucius wouldn't wake up. It was the best time he ever had during the summer.

Draco let out a chuckle as he remembered the past. Narcissa looked up and grinned at him. She gestures him to come next to her, he sat next to her and they snuggled under the white sheets of the hospital bed.

Her voice always managed to calm down Draco. Like when you're shivering with cold and then you take a sip of hot chocolate or warm tea, the coolness dwindles away and a tingling warming sensation completely covers you head to toe. That's how Draco felt right now.

Narcissa finished reading the chapter and kept the book aside. Her mind buzzing with similar memories from the past but she sensed something uncertain and sad in her son.


"Yes, mum?"

"What's wrong?" She frowned. "Nothing." Draco looked away. She pinched his cheek, "Don't lie to me." Her voice was stern.

Draco sighed and frowned, "You know that I like Theo, but I'm not sure if he likes me. I'm scared he doesn't."

Narcissa pursed her lips, "Why don't you ask him then?"

𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 // 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now