twenty eight

247 22 25

tw//homophobic slurs

Draco tugged at Pansy's sleeve, making her halt in her steps. Blaise stopped as well, curious by his behaviour. 

"You guys got a minute?" He asked with a furtive glance. 

They shared a raised eyebrow glance, "Sure." Blaise said.

Draco ushered them to his dorm, "Sit down."

They sat next to each other on the bed, "Is everything alright, Draco?" Pansu asked worriedly. She could never bear to see the boy in distress.

"Er— yeah," He grimaced, "I just have something important to tell the both of you." 

"Go on," Blaise nodded encouragingly. 

Draco swallowed, "Well, I've known this for a while now and I've just been building up the courage to tell the both of you." He shot them a nervous smile and paced around a bit nervously before standing in front of them. 

"I'm gay," He breathed. 

They had looks of surprise on their faces.

"So you're a fag?" Pansy said disapprovingly. 

That stung Draco. He felt his hope dissolve. Blaise gasped, "Pansy!"

"But it's true! He's just a pathetic little poof," She grimaced and stood up to leave the room, "I don't want to be around you anymore." She sneered and left the room.

"Mate—" Blaise said cautiously, "If it makes you feel better. I don't give a fuck about your sexuality. I'm just proud and happy that you trusted me enough to come out to me." He gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze.

"Thanks, Blaise." He managed a small smile, but he felt extremely hurt by Pansy's words. Why would she say that to him? They have been best friends forever. 

He sat next to Blaise who placed a comforting arm around him, "Look, I have no idea what has gotten into her. She—" 

"You don't have to give an explanation for her, Blaise. I get it! Alright? She doesn't like gay people."

Blaise frowned and nodded. Wasn't she the one gushing over how cute Finnigan and Thomas looked good together, apparently at that time she wasn't this homophobic. He knew there must be another reason behind this. 

When Blaise saw Pansy next, she was crying into her bedsheet. With a heavy heart, he shook her and told her to get up. As much as he loved her, not approving of Draco's sexuality was not correct.

She stared at him with red puffy eyes and a trembling lip. "Why would you say that? Hm? He is our best friend!" 

She let out a choked sob, "I know! Alright! I know he is our best friend. But—" She sniffed, "I love him!"

"What?" He breathed, "If you love him then that doesn't give you an excuse to say that to him."

Pansy nodded and looked away, more tears welling in her eyes and Blaise almost hugged her. He loved her but she loved him, his best friend. He wanted to scream, shout and just break everything. His chest felt heavy with emotion.

"Look," He swallowed his pride, his emotions, "You will apologise to him. And no turning back on it now!" 

"I can't! Do you really think he would even want to see me after that!" 

"I don't care about that, but you have to apologise. You called him slurs, Pansy." Blaise said exasperatedly.

"I panicked." She breathed, "What would you do if the person you love comes out to you saying that they love the opposite gender! Would you not panic?" 

"I—" Blaise stuttered.

"Exactly!" She gasped out and pushed the hair from her face. "Look, I'll apologise to him but don't expect me to be all cozy with him again."

"Fine." He sighed and left the room in a hurry.

That night, three Slytherins cried, praying to Merlin that the pain in their hearts would stop.



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