twenty five

242 21 17

"You mean to say that you snuck into the Slytherin common room using Polyjuice to interrogate me?" The blond said in a stunned voice.

Harry nodded, a grin on his pink lips as he sipped the mug of Butterbeer cradled in his hands.

"Salazar! Potter!" Draco huffed and leant back, "I can't believe you actually did that. How very Slytherin of you." He gave him a pointed look and sipped on his beverage.

The Three Broomsticks was bustling with customers just like every Hogsmeade weekend. The air smelled of strawberries and cigarettes.

After Draco had won four out of six matches of their Seekers match. Harry had complied with his promise to buy him Butterbeer. He wasn't complaining since he just got to stare at Draco without looking like a complete idiot in love and also spend some time with him.

"Well, about that—" Harry said sheepishly, "There is another thing you should know."

Draco raised his eyebrows.

"Erm I was supposed to be sorted in Slytherin." He said quickly. Draco narrowed his eyes, "Then why weren't you sorted in Slytherin?"

"I asked the hat not to."

"And it agreed?" He asked incredulously.

"Obviously," Harry said, gesturing to himself. Draco gritted his teeth and reached across the table to flick Harry's ear. "Dumbass."

Harry winced, "What the fuck?" He rubbed his ear. "That hurt!"

"We could've been friends for the past seven bloody years!" Draco huffed. "Bloody Gryffindork!"

The young Draco, who had loathed Ron Weasley would have absolutely loved to be friends with the famous Harry Potter. After all, Draco had always admired him for his fame and how he had managed to vanquish the dark wizard when he couldn't even walk or talk properly.

Harry blushed darkly, "It is what it is. We can't change it now, can we?"

"Yeah, probably." Draco's anger dissipated slightly. "Never mind that, tell me what else mischief you did?" Draco leaned forward curiously.

Harry grinned.

They were walking back to Hogwarts when Draco and Harry spotted Theo and Millie entering Madam Puddifoot's, arm in arm with a warm blush on their faces.

Draco stiffened slightly and looked away immediately. Harry noticed his discomfort.

"Is everything alright between you and Nott?"

Draco inhaled sharply, "It's nothing."

"Sure?" Harry frowned.

"Yes." He gritted out.

Harry sighed, "Look Draco, I need you to know that I trust you, and since we are friends, I want you to trust me as well." He halted and pulled Draco to a stop beside him. His hand firmly gripping Draco's bicep.

"You can tell me. I won't judge. Promise," Harry offered him a gentle smile which he couldn't help but return meekly.

"Fine," The blond swallowed heavily before speaking. "Theo and I have been best friends since we were kids." They resumed walking.

"He's always been there for me and I, for him." Draco smiled fondly at the memories. "For the past one or maybe two years, I--" He stuttered and looked at Harry, as if confirming that he was still listening, Harry nodded encouragingly knowing fully well that what was to come would hurt him. Yet he listened intently.

"I've sort of developed feelings for him." Harry felt his heart sting at his words, he knew it but hearing it from Draco, like a confirmation of what he didn't want to be true made a deeper crack somewhere in his chest.

Draco looked at Harry again, searching for a sense of discomfort and disgust. But he found none. So he continued, "I've been crushing on him since a pretty long time and just before I was about to confess he told me that— Millie and him were dating." He winced at his words. "It was the night I had ran out of the party and bumped into you." He confessed.

Draco closed his mouth and the atmosphere became quiet. The faint voices of the chatter of Hogsmeade faded behind them as they reached Hogwarts grounds.

"Draco," Harry said gently, "Thank you, for trusting me enough to tell me that."

Draco smiled, "And I hope that even after what the two of you have gone through, your friendship remains the same."

"I hope so too," Draco said with a sigh. "Oh and Potter?"


"Don't you dare tell anyone about this."

"I would never," He said solemnly.


"Since we are sharing secrets, I have another one that might intrigue you," Harry said after a pause. "Yeah? What is it?"

"I'm bisexual."

"Oh!" Draco said in surprise. "I didn't know the Chosen one had a thing for blokes as well." He chuckled.

'I didn't either until I saw you,' Harry thought.



"Did you say something?"

"No," Harry widened his eyes. Did I say that out loud?

"Huh, I thought I heard you say something." Draco shrugged. Harry sighed with relief.

And then they went up to the common room, laughing and joking. As they bade goodbye, Harry smiled at him with a blush on his cheeks and a longing that this would become a regular occurrence.

Draco bade goodbye with happiness, finally glad that he had a friend he could talk to about his problems without being judged. They had quite a lot in common, after all.



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