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Harry had never seen Draco in a worse condition than this.

Since Draco had come back from the hospital, he hadn't talked to many people. He just shared a few words with his friends and secluded himself in his room. Shunning out anyone who tried to talk to him.

Even the Slytherins seemed glum after the news of Narcissa's untimely death had spread.

Harry had managed to convey his condolences for his loss, Draco hadn't even looked at him. He just nodded and mumbled a 'thanks' before leaving, his head beant low.

Draco had not shown any emotion ever since his mother had passed. Harry chewed his bottom lip in worry whenever he saw the emotionless, blank expression on his beautiful face.

Harry still couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that Narcissa Malfoy had left. Forever.

He could only hope she was in a better place.

Harry suddenly gasped. He knew what to do. He could make Draco feel better again. With that in mind he made his way to the Forbidden Forest. Only one goal in mind.

Draco didn't feel anything anymore. He just felt vacant.

He stopped talking. He stopped smiling. He never cried. He stopped thinking. He stopped feeling.

He was in the Library, mindlessly flicking his eyes over the words of the book in front of him when Potter had come up running to him. The Gryffindor urged him to come with him.

Draco denied but he was very obstinate, he pulled Draco by the wrist in a nearby classroom.

Draco would have normally insulted him or hexed him but he didn't. He just stared at him with a confused expression.

"Draco," Harry breathed, "I have something for you." Harry still hadn't let go of his wrist so he lifted it up and placed a weirdly shaped stone on his pale palm.

Draco plucked it up between his fingers and looked at it closely, squinting his eyes. Draco gasped as he made out a triangle, a circle and a line carved into the hard rock.

His throat went dry. "Does this really work?" He asked in a rough voice. Harry nodded. "Roll it thrice in your hand and think of her." Harry smiled weakly, "I'll give you some privacy." He patted his shoulder and left, closing the door behind him.

Draco rolled the stone in his hand thrice, his eyes shut. He feared it won't work. He feared that his mother won't be here.

"Dragon," He heard a voice. The most beautiful and gentle voice ever. He bit his lip and opened his eyes. "Mum?" He whispered.

There she was. Narcissa Malfoy. She still looked as beautiful as ever, her smile glowing, her skin a healthy color and her eyes looking as lively as ever.

Draco tried to hug her but he couldn't. "I miss you." He whispered shakily. "I miss you too, love."

He could only stare at her, he wanted her here with him forever. He never wanted her to leave.

"Draco," Narcissa said sternly, "I have noticed you haven't been talking to any of your friends, they're just trying to help you." She tilted her head.

The small window in the room reflected over her blonde hair and her eyes glistened with concern. The room was slightly dark and dusty with a few abandoned chairs and tables.

Draco ducked his head guiltily. "I didn't know what to do. I missed you and I just didn't want to talk to anyone." He sniffled like a small child.

"I know you're grieving, Draco. I know you miss me. But don't push away the people who love you." She softened, she could never bear to see Draco sad. It always hurt her to see her son upset.

𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 // 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now