thirty three

227 18 4

Draco and Harry were supposedly close friends now, their relationship had grown. Every single person they knew marveled over the fact that two people who used to hex each other not even a year ago would now spend time together. 

Harry was obviously quite content with this, he talked to Draco everyday and that was enough to send him over the moon. Draco was the light of Harry's day. 

Draco felt happier than he had felt in days, he didn't know being friends with the bespectacled Gryffindor would make his days better. Although his heart ached every time he thought of his mother, it eased at the thought of his friends. 

The soft crackling of the fire, the wind blowing against the window and the flipping of pages was the only sound that could be heard in the common room. 

Draco looked up as he heard the soft patter of footsteps descending down the stairs, a sleepy, messy haired Harry Potter came into his view. 

"This is becoming quite an occurrence, don't you think?" He smirked at him. Harry ran a hand through his hair and let out a surprised chuckle, "So are the nightmares." 

He plopped down next to Draco, "Can't sleep, eh?" Draco hummed and flipped the page of the book he was reading. 

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes, "What are you reading?" 

"A book." Draco said simply. 

"And what is the name of said book?" Harry leaned forward to read with him. 

"The Fault in Our Stars." 

"Isn't that a muggle book?" Harry asked, surprised. 

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?" Draco said haughtily. Harry shook his head with a smirk.

"Let's just say that I didn't expect, you, who was once a pureblood supremacist, muggle hater and egoistic prat, would read a muggle romance novel." 

Draco elbowed him in the ribs, making him wince. "Shut up." 

Harry snorted but kept his mouth shut. 

"How do you even know about this book? I didn't know you actually read books."

Harry scowled, "I do read, Draco." Draco rolled his eyes. "And I haven't read this book, Hermione told me the story since I denied reading it." 

Draco sighed and shook his head, "As expected from you, Potter." Harry grumbled under his breath, "Do you like the book so far? As far as I know, it's not really a happy book." 

"Oh yeah, I know. It has a sad ending. This is the second time I'm reading it." 

"Huh." Harry huffed and the two lapsed into silence. The earlier sounds accompanied by the heavy breathing of Potter next to him. 

Draco read silently, he was drowning in the words written by John Green. He soon reached the part where they go to Amsterdam and Draco decided that it was enough for today. He snapped the book shut and turned sideways to look at Potter who was staring dreamily at the ceiling. 

"Potter," He grinned. 

Harry snapped out of his daze, "Oh yeah, hey." He fumbled. Draco shook his head, "What were you thinking about?" 

"Nothing, just thinking." 

"Mhm, sure." Draco nodded and set the book at the table. 

"Are you leaving?" Harry's lips set into a pout. 

"Do you want me to?" Draco rested his head at the back rest. 

"No," Harry said slowly and yawned, "Stay. I don't wanna be alone right now." 

"Alright." He whispered, "I'll stay." Harry gave him a giddy smile, his eyes flitting down to his lips, with a sudden burst of confidence he leaned forward. 

Draco inhaled sharply, their lips were millimeters away. "Potter," He mumbled. 

"Yes?" Harry whispered, his eyes half closed. 

"You should get to sleep." He tapped his nose, "Go." Draco moved back and crossed his arms. Harry felt his heart burn.

Harry blinked a few times before coming back to his senses, "Yeah—" He sputtered. Draco cleared his throat, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing— I don't think I'll be able to sleep. Nightmares never let me." He lied half-heartedly. Draco smiled empathetically. 

"I know how that feels, maybe let's just stay here and talk until we feel tired, okay?" 

"Okay." Harry nodded. 

Draco sighed tiredly, "So, Potter, have you ever been in love?" 

The question caught him off guard and he coughed violently, choking on his own spit. "What?" He asked.

"You wanted to talk so asked the first thing that came to my mind. Have you ever been in love?" 

Harry licked his lips, "Yeah, I have." 

"Oh, really? Who is it?" 

"I'm not going to tell you that." 

"Oh come on, you knew about my crush on Theo," Draco whined, "Now tell me!" 

"No." Harry winced, "I'm not comfortable telling anyone right now." 

Draco bit his lip in thought, a scrutinizing expression on his face, "Fine." He said finally. 

The black haired boy gave a sigh of relief and looked away. "What does it feel like to be in love?" Draco asked curiously, playing with the hems of his sleeves. 

Harry admired him through his lashes, "It's the best feeling ever." He smiled to himself, "Whenever I look at them, I feel like I'm floating. I—" He blushed, "They mean the world to me and I'd do anything for them. Wherever I go or whatever I do, their name is a constant chant in my head."

"Woah." Draco breathed, "They must be really special." Harry looked at him, into his grey eyes, "Yeah, they are. They are really, really special." 

Draco couldn't tear his eyes away from the intense gaze Harry had pinned him with, he could see the dark green of his eyes, the dark lashes fluttering under the rim of his glasses. 

"Do I know them?" Draco asked, "The person you love." 

"No." Harry said simply. "You don't," He shook his head and looked away.



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