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Harry sat silently in front of Ron and Hermione who looked at him encouragingly.

He had asked them to come there so he could talk to them about something important and by 'something important' he meant that he wanted to come out to them about his sexuality and his feelings for Draco.

A feeling of dread had built of in his chest. A fear of not getting accepted. A fear that they would see him differently.

He cleared his throat, "In the past few months here, I have come to a realisation," Ron tilted his towards him, softly smiled and nodded. He could sense Harry was nervous.

Harry flashed him a grateful smile as Hermione looked fondly at her two best friends.

"I'm bisexual."

A knowing look passed over Hermione's face and she smiled. Ron looked at him horrified. He gaped at him.

"You don't love me, do you?" Ron said in a scared voice, "I mean I would be flattered, mate, but I love Hermione," He wrapped an arm around her, "You should move on." He nodded jerkily. "Trust me, I'm not worth it." He said solemnly.

Harry snorted, "I'm not in love with you!" Hermione let out a loud laugh, her body shaking against Ron's as he held a relieved expression.

"Then it's great!" Ron grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. His ears were a bright pink due to embarrassment which colored further when Hermione kissed his cheek as the two people in front of him laughed further.

Harry hadn't laughed this much in a while. He felt better. The feeling of dread vanished.

"So," Hermione began, "If you really are bisexual then someone must have caught your eye, do you want to tell us?" She looked at him with a glint in her eyes.

Ron perked up at her words and wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, "Who is it?" He smirked.

Harry pursed his lips, "Dracomalfoy."

"Who?" Ron looked at him, confused.

"Draco Malfoy."


Hermione shrugged her shoulders, she obviously knew about it beforehand. The lingering looks, the glances and small smiles Harry gave him.

It took some time for it to sink into Ron, "You're gay for Malfoy?" He blurted. Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose, she was torn between laughing or elbowing him in the stomach.

Harry nodded slowly, "Yeah."


"That's it? Huh?"

"I mean, yeah okay. If you...." He grimaced, " that ferret, then I don't have a problem with it."

Harry felt himself relax, he stood up and pulled them into a long hug. The three held each other close, relishing in the warmth of their friendship. They had been through so much together. No matter what, they would always be best friends.

"Harry, tell me more about this little crush on Malfoy," Hermione grinned.

Harry blushed and opened his mouth to speak. A flurry of compliments rushing out of his mouth as he smiled thinking of the platinum blond hair and beautiful grey eyes.

Ron groaned, "What did you do, 'Mione! Now he'll never stop talking!"

Draco walked in a hurry towards the common room, he had no luck with finding a cure for his mother.

He only had one option left. Ask for help from Granger. He needed to apologize first, then he would request her for help.

Even if he had to crush his pride and ego to ask her for help. He had to do this. For his mother.

He took a deep breath when he saw Potter, Granger and Weasley coming out of the dorm room laughing and chattering.

"G-Granger!" He called. They stopped and looked at him curiously, "I need to talk to you." He said defiantly. She nodded her head slowly, "Alright, about what?"

He bit the inside of his cheek, "Firstly, I'm sorry."
She looked surprised but her lips curved into a small smile. "I'm sorry for treating you like shit since the first day I met you, and you, Weasley," He looked at the red-head who looked gobsmacked. "I am very sorry for the way I treated you and your family over the past years."

He felt his voice getting smaller and smaller with every word he spoke, This is the right thing to do, he thought, Mum would be proud.

The couple nodded, sharing a surprised look with Harry, who looked nothing but extremely proud and slightly giddy.

"Apology accepted," Hermione smiled, Ron grunted, "Yeah, same." He was too stunned to form a rational sentence. The ferret apologized! He thought.

"Thank you," The blond smiled.

Harry's heart skipped a beat. That smile drove him crazy. But there was something missing, a spark that Harry had always noticed in his eyes and the small crinkles near his beautiful eyes he had when he smiled or even smirked.

"Do you need anything else?" Hermione asked.

"Actually, yes." Draco's smile vanished, his face turning into a grim expression almost suddenly, "I hope you are aware of my mother's condition?" Hermione nodded, "I have been researching for cures but I can't find any, you are a muggle-born and are more familiar with muggle disease. Could you help me with my research?"

He said it all in one breath and gazed at the brown haired witch who held a thoughtful expression.

"Brain tumor? Right?" She raised her brows to which Draco nodded. "I need all the details to start the research," Hermione said.

"Sure, I'll send them to you by evening."


The trio and Draco bade goodbyes, and just before the three could leave. "Thank you!" Draco blurted suddenly, flushing when he realised his words.

Hermione turned, smiled and nodded approvingly. Draco nodded as well.

Draco's eyes wandered to Potter's and he thought he saw adoration in those emerald eyes but he shook it off as a fluke and gave him a small smile before turning around and walking towards his dorm.

Harry almost fainted. Draco smiled at him!

He could dance.

So he did.

In his mind, of course.

His face was a deep pink color. The curve of his lips wouldn't go down even if he wanted it to.

Ron and Hermione teased him the entire time and Harry could only shy away further and tell them to shut up.

He sighed happily to himself and hummed a song he heard over the radio under his breath.

Somehow the sky looked brighter than usual.

Credits to my lovely friend- PeterPan2210
Thank you for making this GIF <33



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