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tw// mentions of self-harm and death

There are five stages of grief. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.

It felt like Draco was feeling all the five stages at once.

He didn't want to think that his mother was going to leave him forever. He didn't want her to leave. He just imagined that she's at the Manor or even at their France vacation house, just relaxing and living her life. But the more he thought of that, the more it hurt when he realised that it's all in his head.

He felt angry, angry at everything and everyone. He wanted to break every small thing in his room. He wanted to hurt himself, but he didn't.

During sixth year, when he returned home for Christmas, his mother accidentally saw the scars on his right forearm. Her face looked heart broken, she didn't talk to him until he promised her he wouldn't do it again. So he never did.

Maybe he should've done something differently. Maybe he could find a way to save her. He spent hours in the library, with Theo, Blaise and Pansy trying to help him find a cure. But there was absolutely nothing. Maybe he should've spent more time with her.

Fuck! He thought. I don't want to loose her.

He didn't talk much anymore, unless it was necessary. He just kept quiet. Draco was lost, lost in grief.

He wanted to accept the fact that he could loose his mother. A small, logical part of him did. But his insides screamed at the thought and he scolded himself for ever accepting it.

He only had had one proper conversation since he came back from the hospital and that was with Potter. The Gryffindor had come up to him, almost shyly and asked how is mother was.

Draco didn't show any emotion, he just told him everything in a monotone voice, not even looking in those green eyes which glistened in worry and sympathy for him.

Harry wanted to hug him and tell him that everything would be alright. He didn't. He knew the blond needed space and time to get over this devastating fact.

So Harry just gave him a few words of encouragement and patted him on the shoulder before leaving him alone to his thoughts.

When Draco spent the entire week in the library looking for a cure. Harry was right there a few tables back, doing the exact same thing.

When Draco didn't eat properly and his friends didn't notice. Harry was the one to send a House-Elf to his dorm with food and an anonymous note to eat.

When Draco fell asleep in the common room, Harry covered him with a blanket.


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