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tw// ptsd

A day has passed since Draco's visit to the hospital and Harry hadn't got a chance to talk to him. The days felt dull and seemed to pass in a blur. Draco's mind was in a constant state of worry and barely focused in classes that day. The voices of the Professors droned on but he paid no attention, they noticed but pitied him, knowing the current state of his mother.

He was scared. He was scared that he was going to loose the only person in his family. His mother.

The eighth year common room was warm contrasting from the cool wind that kissed the large windows overlooking the green grounds of Hogwarts. Draco's body felt warm, but his insides felt cold. With dread. With fear. With trepidation. He didn't want to loose her, he loved his mother more than anyone, more than himself. He would give up everything for her.

His hands clasped the letter he received a while ago from Healer Park. His bottom lip trembled slightly as he re-read the words. Blaise and Pansy who were sat next to him on the sofa glanced at him with creased brows.


Mr. Malfoy,

How are you doing?

I have some news, good and bad.

First things first, your mother is healthy enough to be brought out of the magic-induced sleep.

Her vitals look better than they were when she was brought here first.

I have to tell you something else as well, but it will be best that I deliver this news in person.

Looking forward to meet you as soon as possible.

Warm regards,

Healer S. Park

St. Mungo's


His fingers traced over the slightly smudged ink on the parchment as he chewed at his bottom lip in worry.

"Draco!" Pansy's voice broke him out of his trance. Her face was bent in a frown as she stared at him.

"What?" He snapped in exasperation.

She sighed, "Will you stop worrying, your mum will be alright, Cissy is strong." She placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know, Pansy, but I can't help but worry. She is the only one I have," Draco retaliated and wrung his hands in his hair.

"Oi! Did you forget Blaise, Theo, Mili and I? What are we to you, hm.?" She narrowed her eyes. "We are with you no matter what, and don't you dare think otherwise!"

"She isn't wrong," Blaise spoke from behind her. He smirked, "You can't get rid of us that easily, mate."

Draco looked up at them, his eyes brightened slightly. He pulled them into a hug, surprising himself as well.

"Since when did you start acting like a Hufflepuff? Is the Draco Malfoy going soft?" Blaise jeered as he wrapped his arms around his best friends.

Pansy laughed into his shoulder.

"Oh shut up!" Draco grimaced as they pulled back. His eyes held traces of tears but nobody acknowledged them. His lips quirked sideways into a small smile.

𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 // 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now