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The three ran after Ron, who was laughing with glee as he exclaimed how happy George would be.

They went up some stairs, through some corridors and were now in some unknown part of the castle. They dodged younger students and a few teachers as they ran and ran and ran.

Harry felt his heart clench. He crossed his fingers as his feet collided against the floor at a fast pace. He really hoped Ron hadn't gone insane.

Hermione's lungs screamed at her to stop and take a breath but she didn't care. All she cared about was her love, who was running in front of her, looking happier than ever. She could only hope everything would be better with his after this.

Ginny had tears in her eyes. She missed Fred, so much. Her mind was blank. Her brain buzzed with chant of the name of her lost brother.

Ron came to halt suddenly, his chest heaving with exhaustion. They all stopped one by one, panting and worn out.

Ron frantically looked around, a longing in his eyes to get another glimpse of his brother who he sorely missed.

Harry, Ginny and Hermione scanned the portraits as well. Disappointment slowly rising in their chests. "Ron," Hermione said softly and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Are you sure you saw him here?"

Ron nodded furiously, "I swear! I saw him around here!" He ran a hand through his hair, the smile wiped off his face, "Fred!" He called, "Fred! Please! where are you?" His voice broke slightly.

"Ron!" The four heard a voice, "I'm here!"

Ginny gasped and her knees buckled under her as she finally saw him. She stumbled sideways but Harry was quick to respond and catch her.

He felt his throat close up as he saw the red-head in a portrait partly hidden in the shadows.

"Lumos!" Hermione whispered, lighting up the portrait further.

"See I told you!" Ron said with a loud laugh. Fred gave a small smile from the portrait.

Ginny had tears in her eyes as she rested a hand next to Fred's painting. "It's really you," She whispered in a trembling voice.

"Of course it's me Gin. I can't act like you're actually talking to Georgie dear now, can I?" He stuck out his tongue.

They all let out a laugh but their eyes shone with tears. "We all missed you," Harry smiled softly. "Yeah, me too." Fred smiled at them.

"I'll go owl Mum and George! They'll be so happy!" Ron grasped Hermione's hand and kissed it. Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes and shook her head.

"Harry and I'll go! You both stay with Fred. He's your brother after all." Harry agreed. "Yeah, you both should catch up with him, yeah?" Ron smiled at the two.

She kissed Ron's cheek and squeezed Ginny's shoulder softly before tugging on Harry's arm to leave.

They walked away from the Weasley siblings, "Harry, I'll go owl Mrs. Weasley and the others. You should go and tell McGonagall about this as well."

"Yeah, we have to find a way we can take this portrait away from here to the Burrow as soon as possible." She nodded and walked towards the owlery with determination.

Harry knocked on the door of the office of Minerva McGonagall, which was once occupied by Dumbledore.

"Come in." He heard her voice. He opened the door to see that she wasn't alone in the room.

Draco Malfoy was standing near the Floo, probably visiting his mother. He ceased his movements and looked at Harry with mild surprise.

The sleeping portraits of the old headmasters and headmistresses curiously opened their eyes by a pinch to look at the person entering the room. The evening sky reflected over McGonagall's square shaped spectacles as she looked at him as well.

"Ron found Fred's portrait!" He breathed. He could hear Draco gasp from near the fireplace. She furrowed her brows, "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes." He swallowed, "Mione has gone to owl the Weasley's and I just wanted to let you know about this." He swore he saw a small tear slip from her eye.

"Can you take me there?" She clutched her hands to her chest. "Of course, Professor." Harry smiled weakly.

He sneaked a look at Draco who gave him a small smile, Harry smiled back.

"Mr. Malfoy, you'll be late for your appointment." She smirked slightly. Draco nodded at her and left in a vortex of green flames.

"If you're done staring at Mr. Malfoy, we should get going, Mr. Potter." She stood up and straightened her robes. Harry turned crimson red and cleared his throat awkwardly before leading her towards the portrait.


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