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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Somehow, Cal had been dragged into eating lunch with the Cameron's. She wasn't exactly sure how it happened, but now she was sat beside Rafe pushing her salad around her plate.

Sarah had explained to Ward and Rose that she had been hanging around with Cal for a while now and wanted them to meet her, much like how they did all her other friends.

"So, Callie, how's your dad doing? I heard he got laid off of another job." Ward leant forward to question the girl.

The girl clenched her jaw at the nickname, she'd never really liked being called Callie, but instead of saying anything she held her tongue and dealt with it.

"He did, but he's alright." It was always a sensitive topic whenever anyone spoke about Luke. She never exactly knew how to reply without it seeming suspicious about what actually happened at home. "He'll be back on his feet in no time."

Rafe glared towards his dad, knowing that he was probably just trying to make the girl uncomfortable. His dad despised pogues and it was probably where he got his hatred from.

"And how are his hands?" Ward continued to question.

Cal froze, she placed her cutlery down and placed her hands on her legs, trying to hide the fact that they had begun to shake.

"His hands, sir?" Cal pretended like she didn't exactly understand the question, after all it was better than answering that they're a little bruised from how much he beat her and JJ.

Rafe's didn't exactly understand why the girl tensed up so much. It was a strange question that much was obvious, but it was seemingly harmless.

"He used to be a golfer, had a good few games with him. Often won, maybe that's where all of his anger came from." Ward chuckled, shaking his head, seemingly finding himself hilarious.

"He doesn't play anymore, but I'm sure if you asked he'd love a game again." Cal responded with a sweet smile before lowering her head and turning her attention back to her food.

"How's your mom, sweetie?" Rose questioned curiously, she hadn't ever heard of Cal before and didn't know anything about her. She barely even knew who her father was.

Rafe's hand quickly rested over hers, linking their fingers together in hopes to make her feel more comfortable. He noticed the way her eyes filled with tears at the mention of her mom, but still her head was held high.

"She's not around anymore." The girl answered simply.

"That's a shame, every daughter needs a mother in her life." Rose continued to talk about it, she didn't even think twice.

Cal turned to look at the three siblings, wondering if they ever missed their biological mom or if Rose had done a good enough job as the step mom and cared for them like her own flesh and blood.

"That's enough, Rose." Sarah jumped in, knowing that Rafe was getting angry and at a moments notice was probably going to say something.

"What did I say?" She questioned obliviously as she took a sip of her drink.

Cal plastered a smile onto her face, trying to hide the fact that she was hurting at the mention of her mother and her abusive father. She missed her mom more than anything and the person her dad was before her mom.

Rafe's thumb ran along the girls knuckles, silently telling her that he was still by her side. He didn't care how much of her past his dad and Rose brought up, he would still care about her.

"Have you heard about the new programme that Kildare County have put in place?" Ward asked as he looked directly towards Cal.

The girl didn't say anything in response, instead she just shook her head, wondering if there was an actual new programme or if Ward just wanted to take another dig at her.

"It's for delinquents who need help." Ward explained, making Cal roll her eyes at the man. "Maybe you should look into that."

"Oh I will, maybe then it'll stop me from killing someone in the future or something like that." The girl responded back sarcastically, leaning back into her chair.

Rafe chuckled at the girls quick response, one of the main reasons he liked her was because of her snappy attitude and the fact that she couldn't hold her tongue for long. She always said what she was thinking despite the consequences.

There was a silence that filled the table after Cal spoke, causing her to glance around at the Cameron's back garden. It was bigger than her whole house.

Part of her was jealous at the fact but the other part thought that she wouldn't exactly know what to do with all of the space.

"Excuse me." Sarah announced as she stood up from her seat. "I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Are you finished, cause you haven't eaten a lot." Rose pointed out, making Cal looking down at her plate.

"Yes, thanks." She responded coldly.

"You sure you don't want some more, you look awfully skin-"

"You can't say that." Wheezie cut Rose off before she said anything else. "It's wrong."

Rafe smiled at his little sister, he knew that she wasn't exactly defending Cal but the fact that she jumped in before Rose could say anything else made him smile.

"Well I don't know what they eat there." Rose shrugged as she talked about the cut.

Cal laughed at the woman, she wondered how they could both be so oblivious. It wasn't as if she was from a different country or from the way they were treat her it was as if she was from a different planet.

"I live 10 minutes away, we buy groceries at the same store." Cal slowly stood up. "We eat the same God damn food. Now if you excuse me, I think I'm going to go home."

"I'll drive you." Rafe offered, earning a confused look from his dad. "She's Sarah's friend, Sarah won't be happy if we left her to walk home."

Ward nodded understandingly as he watched his son place his hand on the small of Cal's back and guide her towards his car.

Cal felt like she could relax once it was just her and Rafe. She closed her eyes and both of them began laughing almost instantly at the situation that had just happened.

"I'm so sorry that you had to endure that, sweetheart." Rafe placed his hand on the girls thigh before starting up the engine.

"I thought it was fun." The girl responded sarcastically as she turned to face Rafe with a smile. She jumped once she heard the knock on her window, making her turn and face Sarah.

"I have to say bye to my new best friend." Sarah smiled sweetly once Cal rolled down the window. "Apparently there's a party tonight at the boneyard, your brother and his friends are throwing it." She paused. "Will I be seeing you there?"

"Probably." Cal smiled, waving to Sarah's and Rafe began to drive away.

"Come see me after?" Rafe requested. "I won't go, but catch a lift back with Sarah and come back here."


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