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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Rafe had dropped the girl at the end of her street, much to her request. He didn't like the idea of leaving her to go home all alone but she insisted that she would be okay because JJ would he there. Although that didn't exactly comfort Rafe in any sort of way.

Cal could hear the music blaring from her house from down the street. She could hear her fathers yells and the bangs of JJ's wall from where his fist connected with it. She was dreading entering the building.

She knew that she couldn't use the front door, not unless she wanted to face the wrath of Luke herself. She looked up to JJ's room and saw that his window was cracked open slightly.

The red head hauled herself up and slipped through the gap in the window. Her eyes landed on JJ, who was aggressively hitting the door, probably at something that Luke had said.

"J?" Cal whispered softly, gaining the boys attention.

JJ didn't say anything, instead he broke down crying and crashed into Cal's arms. His grip on her was so tight that she swore she almost passed out.

Cal brought her fingers up to comb them through his hair, hoping to sooth him. She couldn't bring herself to look at him covered in bruises. She hated seeing her twin beat up and hurt like this.

"I hate him." JJ whispered weakly as they sat on the bed. His head in the girls lap as he clung to her shirt. "I hate him." He repeated.

"I know." Cal nodded, tears pricking her eyes as she looked down at her brother, seeing the bruise under his eye forming.

JJ had fallen asleep on the girls lap and the music died down. Cal assumed that Luke had taken his pills and passed out on the couch or even the floor. She was thankful thankful that JJ could get some rest.

Not even seconds later, her phone began to ring. Before she could get a chance to turn it off so that it didn't disturb JJ, he shot up.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." Cal assured the now panicked looked boy. "Just my phone." Cal quickly ended the call so that the noise turned off. "Luke's asleep."

JJ nodded, standing up from the bed and grabbing his back pack. He shoved a bunch of clothes in side, desperately wanting to get out of the house now whilst he had the chance.

"Go pack a bag, Cal. We're not staying here." JJ instructed.

Cal merely nodded, she didn't want to upset her brother further. Plus at times like this, neither of them wanted to be near Luke let alone in the same building as him. She rushed to her room and began to throw her clothes into a bag. She made sure to grab her letters, not wanting anything to happen to them whilst she was gone.

The red head emerged from her room to see JJ pointing a gun towards their dad with a tear rolling down his cheek. She stepped forward, a floorboard creaking as she did so, gaining JJ's attention.

"He isn't worth it, J." Cal whispered, walking over to her brother and placing her hand on his bicep.

"After all he's done to us, it's the least he deserves." JJ responded, his eyes not leaving Luke, who was passed out on the couch.

"You're better than this." Cal attempted to reason with the boy.

His finger now hovered over the trigger with safety off. One small squeeze and their dad would be dead. They'd be left with no parents. Her breath hitched slightly but he couldn't do it. JJ couldn't pull the trigger, so instead he stormed outside.

"What did you do, dad?" Cal whispered as she stared at the man. She was so thankful that she didn't inherit much from him. The most she got was his eyes, but that was all. She was glad that she didn't get his anger or any other of his toxic traits.

Cal couldn't bring herself to leave him just laid on the couch, so she popped two aspirin and placed them in a glass of water before covering him up with a blanket. She hated him for everything that he did to them, but he was still their dad.

The girl walked outside and climbed on the back of JJ's bike. Her hands rested on his shoulders as he drove through the woods.

JJ pulled to a stop before turning and looking at Cal. The girl climbed off the bike and ran her hand through her hair.

"You heading to JB's?" Cal questioned curiously, knowing that it was probably where they were both going to stay for a few days.

"Yeah, you coming, or do you wanna get dropped somewhere else?" JJ asked his sister curiously, looking at the way her grip tightened on her bag.

"I'll make my own way, but I'll see you later, okay?" Cal mumbled, making JJ nodded in agreement. "I love you, J, stay safe and outta trouble."

"I love you too, Callista." JJ chuckled as he started his engine and drove off, leaving the girl alone.

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tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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