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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal had ended up at the Cameron's house once again, Sarah had come to pick her up and drop her off before going out with Topper. Cal was more than grateful for the girl for keeping her and Rafe a secret.

Rafe seemed to be on edge, he paced in front of the girl as she sat on his bed, watching as he anxiously bit his nails. She wondered what it was that was bugging him and how he could help.

"Rafe?" Cal spoke softly. "Is everything okay?"

The boy turned and faced the girls, his eyes softening once again as he saw the cuts on her face. He so desperately wanted to know who caused her pain so that he could do something about it and protect her from it ever happening again.

"I need to ask you something." Rafe knelt in front of the girl, his head tilted back ever so slightly so that he could look at her. His hands rested on her knee's, making her squirm due to the contact of the cold signet ring.

Cal hummed in response, wanting Rafe to trust her enough to ask her anything. She didn't want him to be scared about asking her anything.

He leant up slightly, deciding to connect their lips before he asked. He didn't want her to be upset with him and just storm out when he asked. His hand cupped her face and his lips moulded perfectly with hers.

The red head smiled into the kiss, loving the way that his lips felt against hers. They were so soft that it was almost addictive. Her fingers tangled themselves in the ends of his hair, pulling him closer.

Reluctantly, Rafe pulled away from the girl, noticing the way that her lips were still pursed and her eyes closed. A smile made it's way to his face, watching as the girls eyes fluttered open.

"You're so beautiful." Rafe whispered softly, allowing his hand to fall back to her thigh, although her hands still remained tangled in the ends of his hair. He found it comforting in a way.

An uncontrollable blush rose to Cal's cheeks, she lowered her head slightly, making her hair fall in front of her face. She cleared her throat before asking,

"What was it that you wanted to ask me, baby?" She was trying to change the subject.

If she had to take a guess at what Rafe was going to ask her, it would be if she wanted to be his girlfriend. After all they had been seeing one another for nearly a year now.

"Who did this to you?" Rafe motioned to the cuts on Cal's face, making her smile instantly fall.

She furrowed her brows, almost as if she wasn't understanding what he had just asked her, when in reality it was the complete opposite. She knew exactly what he asked her, she just didn't know how to answer it.

Cal shuffled back on the bed, not exactly wanting to be close to Rafe right now. Rafe noticed the way she moved away from him, so he stood up and took a step back.

"I don't know what you mean." Cal denied, shaking her head and slowly standing up off the bed. She grabbed her jacket and pulled it on, she couldn't stay with him right now.

"I know that someone hit you, Callista." The way her name rolled off his tongue made a shiver travel down her spine. He rarely called her by her full name, and although it felt foreign, it also felt comforting.

"You have no idea what you're talking about, Rafe, so just leave it." Cal walked towards the door, but she didn't get very far since Rafe grabbed her bicep and pulled her back.

He wasn't going to let her get away without some answers. He needed to know who hurt her. He needed to make them pay. He promised himself that he would protect her.

"Let go of me." Cal spoke sternly, although Rafe didn't miss the way her voice quivered ever so slightly and her eyes glazed over with tears.

Rafe slowly released his grip on her bicep and stepped back, running his hand over his face before looking at the girl once again. His eyes flickered over her, he didn't realise how anyone could hurt something so beautiful and pure.

"Who." He demanded. "Was it one of the pogues?"

"No." Cal shook her head.

"Was it JJ?" He would kill JJ for even laying a finger on the girl. Rafe ran his tongue over his bottom lip, he reached forward for the girl, not expecting for her hand to come flying towards him.

Almost expertly, Rafe caught the girls wrist before she managed to slap him. He let go of a small chuckle, in disbelief that she would even try and slap him. His eyes darkened slightly, seeing something new in the girl.

"Don't you ever say that my brother would hurt me. Do you understand?" She was so angry that he even thought that JJ could hurt her.

Rafe nodded, although his suspicion didn't end there. He had a long list of people he thought hurt her and he wasn't finished, but before he managed to get the chance to name any other names, Cal spoke up again.

"I'm going home."

"You're going home?" Rafe dropped the girls hand, his brows furrowing as he stepped closer to her.

"I'm going home." She repeated but stronger.

Her hands were shaking from the accusations that Rafe made about the people she cared about. She wasn't sure how she would have reacted if he said her father. She wondered if her face would have given it all away or if she would have been able to keep a blank expression.

"Right." Rafe nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Home." He just stepped back and motioned to the door, angered that she hadn't told him and now she was upset with him. "Well off you go then."

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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