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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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It had been two weeks since JJ found out about Cal and Rafe. Since then, he had had to be in the boys company more than he would have liked. Every day the pair came and sat beside Cal's bed, each holding her hand and talking to her but never talking to one another.

JJ hadn't forgiven Rafe for killing Peterkin and framing John B, resulting in John B and Sarah's death. But also, Rafe hasn't forgiven JJ for allowing Luke to do this to Cal.

The boys sat in silence as they stared at the girl. Different nurses and doctors walked in every day, each doing different tests on the girl to test her responsiveness. None of them could explain why she hadn't woken up yet. They tried to explain it to Rafe and JJ that everyone's different and wake up in their own time, but that only angered the boys.

Ward wasn't happy once he found out about the hospital bills that Rafe was paying on his card. He tried to cancel the room and the money that was funding Cal, but Rafe begged him to carry on paying.

Rafe hadn't been the same since Cal went into her coma. He had made choices that he knew she would hate. But it was like each and every one of his actions had no consequences unless she was with him.

"Don't you have work?" Rafe muttered, looking up at the time. It wasn't that he was actually concerned that JJ was going to be late for his job at the Island Inn, it was just that he wanted some alone time with Cal.

JJ avoided eye contact with Rafe as he remembered his announcement that got him fired. If Rafe knew that he publicly accused him of killing Peterkin, he probably would ban him from coming to see his sister. So JJ just hoped that Topper and Kelce would keep their mouths shut.

"I got fired." He muttered frustratedly.

"School?" Rafe rolled his eyes at the boy.

JJ looked up to the clock and shook his head. He had another hour before school. He wasn't leaving before he had to. No matter how much Rafe wanted him too.

"Not for an hour." JJ ran his thumb over Cal's knuckles.

He let go of a deep breath, his heart was racing. Today would be his first day back at school, he wasn't sure how well it would go without Cal or John B by his side. He knew that Pope and Kie would be with him, but they were hurting too, he couldn't exactly rely on them for support.

Rafe sunk back into his seat, he brought Cal's hand up to his lips and gently press his lips against her knuckles.

"Do you really think she can hear us?" JJ spoke up. He hated speaking to Rafe, but he could see how much he genuinely cared for Cal. Despite how much that irritated him, he liked knowing that she was loved.

"I do." Rafe nodded. He liked to think that she could hear all the stories that he was telling her. He hoped that she would enjoy them and make her feel at peace.

JJ hummed in response and began to anxiously chew on his bottom lip. His eyes filled with tears, he wondered if she heard about the fact that John B and Sarah were dead.

"Imma go to school." JJ announced. It was of course a lie, he just didn't want Rafe to see him cry. "Update me with any changes."

Rafe nodded. JJ asked him to update him with any changes every time he left, but Rafe never had to get in contact with the boy because there were never any changes.

He waited until JJ was completely out of earshot until he plucked up the courage to begin talking to the girl.

"Hey, sweetheart." Rafe mumbled. "How you feeling?"

He waited a moment, almost as if he was giving her time to reply or make a move. All he wanted was any form of communication, whether that he words or movement.

"I'm not feeling too great myself." Rafe paused. "Kie spray painted murderer on my house. My dads calling Shoupe later to complain about that." He cleared his throat, his thumb running across her knuckles soothingly. "Other than coming here, I've not really left the house. Shoupe and Plumb came to interview my dad the other day. Dad wouldn't let me sit in with them, so I don't know what was said."

Rafe wanted to keep Cal up to date with everything that was going on so that when she woke up she didn't miss anything. He didn't want her to feel as if she missed a huge part of her life by being unconscious.

"Luke's in jail, he had a court hearing. I'm sure JJ told you all about it. After all, he was there." Rafe paused. "But just incase, i'll tell you."

Rafe looked around at the nurses rushing towards different patients. He turned his attention back to Cal, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"JJ stood up and testified. He told the jury that you and him had faced years of abuse, which resulted in you going into a coma. He also told them that he took and sold drugs."

Rafe noticed the way that the girls heart rate increased slightly. He was about to get up to go and get someone but it quickly returned back to normal.

"I guess you don't want to talk about that." He ran his tongue over his bottom lip before continuing. "I get that. I'm sorry, sweetheart."

He softly smile towards Nurse Sullivan who walked passed Cal's room. She had offered him a small wave before continuing to walk towards the front desk.

"Come back to me soon, I'm not sure how much longer I can go on without you."

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