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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal sat on Rafe's motorbike, watching him carefully as he lined up the coke on her thigh. She'll admit she found the action hot, but she hated that he did drugs. The last thing she wanted was for him to turn into Luke.

Rafe snorted the coke and looked up at Cal, before cupping her cheek and pressing his lips against hers. He loved the way her lips tasted. It was addictive, more addictive than coke.

"You gonna give me a bump, big boy?" Barry questioned as he walked over to Rafe. "Man, check out this place, though, huh? It's fancy."

The blonde boy stood protectively in front of Cal. He felt the way she climbed off the motorbike and wrapped her hands around his bicep and wrists.

"Hey Barry. Barry, hey man." Rafe stuttered over his words. He still hadn't come up with the money for what he owed or what Cal owed.

"It's a nice place to live." Barry continued as he walked over to the couple, his eyes flickered up and down the red head, who wore shorts and a small crop top.

"I don't have your money." Rafe whispered, pushing Cal back slightly as Barry stood in front of him. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt because he wasn't able to get the cash. "Alright, uh, you shouldn't be here now. What are you doing?"

Cal glanced over to Barry, his hair stuck to his face due to how sweaty he was. His jaw was clenched and his eyes remained on Cal the whole time.

"I'm right here. You wanna know why?" Barry snapped.

"Give me till the weekend okay? All I need you to do is front me more coke." Rafe begged. "I got a guy coming this weekend."

"Rafe, I don't think that's a good idea." Cal whispered, stepping forward and trying to pull Rafe away from Barry.

Barry chuckled, his eyes darkening as he looked at the motorbike and around at the house that Rafe lived in. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip before asking,

"How come you got all this nice shit, though? Can you tell me that? You ain't got my money, but you got all this nice shit." Barry raised his fist, making Rafe back away and Cal step forward ready to intervene.

The dark haired boy took this as his chance to grab Cal, his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist and pressed it against the engine of the motorbike.

Cal hissed in pain, tears threatening to spill as she could smell her skin burning. Rafe jumped up and pushed Barry off of Cal, grabbing the girl and pulling her into his chest.

His hand cupped the back of her head as he glared at Barry. He could kill him for laying a finger on Cal. He went to pull the girl behind him, but Cal gripped at his shirt tighter before he got a chance to move.

"Be late again on payment, your bitch gets it." Barry pointed to Cal, making her flinch closer into Rafe. "Consider this shit right here your down payment. You got three days."

Barry drove away on the motorbike and once Cal knew he was gone, she allowed herself to let go of a sob. Rafe pulled back slightly, it was rare that she ever cried in front of him.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's get you inside and get that cleaned." Rafe picked the girl up bridal style, he knew she could walk but he couldn't imagine the amount of pain that she was in because of him.

Rafe placed the girl down on the counter top, pressing a quick kiss against her temple before rushing to find the first aid box. He was frantically searching through the cupboards.

"Fuck." He muttered to himself, angrily slamming the cupboard doors until he found the first aid box sitting on the side in front of him. "Thank you." He mumbled before rushing back to Cal.

Cal sat with her legs in her chest, tears streaming down her face. The things that Luke put her and JJ through were brutal, but that was the worst thing that she had ever been through.

Rafe dampened a cloth before look up at Cal with sympathetic eyes, knowing that it was probably going to hurt her. He watched as Cal sucked in a deep breath before nodding for Rafe to put the cloth onto the burn.

Cal hissed at the contact and screwed her eyes closed. The pain was unimaginable and she could tell that Rafe felt guilty for the events that had just happened, even when it wasn't his fault.

"I'm so sorry, Callista." Rafe whispered as he placed the cloth down and grabbed a bandage to wrap the burn to keep it from getting infected.

"It wasn't your fault." Cal rested her head against Rafe's once he had finished. She tried her best to smile, but he could tell that it was fake. "You didn't do this."

"I should have protected you." Rafe whispered, his warm breath hitting her face.

"You did." Cal smiled. "You stepped in when you saw what he was doing. You protected me, Rafe. There's nothing more you could have done."

Cal brought her hand up to run her fingers through the blonde boys hair, hoping it would bring him some comfort. Rafe hummed and closed his eyes, enjoying being close to the girl once again.

"I love you, Cal." Rafe whispered again.

The girl felt her heart become heavy, she pressed her lips against his, causing his lips to curl upwards slightly. She wanted so desperately to say it back, she just couldn't.

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