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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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"Hey big guy." Cal chuckled as John B smiled and started to wake up. She received a call from Sarah last night telling her that John B had fallen and was in hospital. Cal didn't hesitate in rushing over to her.

"Where am I?" John B sleepily asked, making Cal look over to Sarah, motioning for her to come into his view. She knew that John B would probably want to see her too.

"St Olive's." Sarah responded, placing her hand over John B's. "You fell from the Hawks nest. You have a concussion and a broken wrist."

John B turned and looked at his broken wrist, letting him of a small chuckle. Cal shook her head at the boy, only he would find a broken bone amusing.

"I need to get out of here." John B grumbled, trying to sit up but before he could, Cal pushed him back down on the bed. "Callista, DCS is gonna find me-"

"Hand on there, kid. Hang on." Ward spoke up as he entered the hospital room. "Sarah told me everything. About your little adventure, about you running from the DCS, about how you were protecting her in the tower."

Ward paused, stepping forward. Cal stood up off the bed and moved out of the way so that Ward could talk to John B. John B almost seemed panicked at the fact that she had left his sight, but smiled once she tapped his ankle to show that she was still there.

It was something that they did as kids. He never exactly knew why. But no matter what, she would tap his ankle to show that she was still with him, even if he couldn't see her.

"John I believe I owe you an apology. You were honest with me about a small indiscretion, and I went ahead and fired you anyway. And I shouldn't have. Unfortunately, from time to time, I have a bit of a short fuse. Ask her." He motioned over to Sarah, who nodded in agreement.

"It's true."

"Anyway, I'd like to make up for it, if you'll let me." Ward suggested. "I spoke with Sheriff Peterkin and I've offered to be your legal guardian if you'll have me."

Cal smiled at the fact that John B wouldn't be in his house alone and that he would now have someone to take care of him other than himself. Just because she didn't like Ward didn't mean that his intentions weren't good.

"What?" John B asked.

"It would mean a roof over your head and no more running from the DCS." Ward explained.

John B slowly sat up and looked at Cal. The red head nodded, silently telling John B that it was a good idea to go and stay at the Camerons. If she was in his situation, she would probably jump at the chance.

"Sure, yeah, sounds good." John B smiled thankfully.

"Okay, then it's settled. Welcome to the family." Ward grinned down at John B, he slowly turned to look at Cal, his smile faltering slightly before he headed out of the room.

"Let's get you home, JB." Cal smiled, leaning over the bed and looking at John B with a playful grin.

John B scrunched up his nose, which he quickly regretted due to a sharp pain stabbing through his head. He brought his hand up to his temple and groaned.

The drive to the Cameron's was quiet, nobody really uttered a word. John B kept looking back at Cal to make sure that she was okay. He wasn't sure what but he could tell that something wasn't right. He assumed that something had happened with Rafe but he wasn't sure what yet.

Sarah had offered to show John B around the house properly, so that he would know where he was going. Cal made a passing joke at the fact that she probably just wanted him to sneak into her bed at night, which Sarah didn't deny.

Cal skipped out on the grand tour, since she already knew where everything was. She had told Sarah that she would just wait up in her room so that she could talk to her.

The girl groaned once she bumped into something, she held her head and cussed before looking and allowing her blue eyes to meet Rafe's. She hadn't spoken to him for a few days, not since midsummers.

"Hey." He whispered. He had missed the girl and he was more than willing to admit that. He tried to reach out for Cal but she stepped back.

"I told Sarah I'd wait in her room." Cal mumbled before turning to walk away.

"Oh come on, Callista. Just let me talk to you." Rafe begged, his voice cracking as he spoke.

It broke Cal's heart to hear him sound so upset and heart broken. She loved him after all. No matter what he had done, she still loved him.

"You get 5 minutes."

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snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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