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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Sure enough, Cal was now counting money to give to Barry. He had pulled her back outside in front of everyone, so they could all stare at her and make comments. She found it sickening and it made her want to physically vomit.

"I don't have enough." Cal admitted, she had counted the money twice and she wasn't even close to half of the amount her father owed.

"That's a real shame, darlin', you'll just have to find some other way to pay us back." Barry spoke as he slouched down in his head.

Before Cal could respond, she was cut off by someone shouting,

"Hey, Barry." She turned and faced Rafe, surprised at to what he was doing here. She took a step back away from the group since they were distracted by Rafe's presence.

"Hey, Country Club." Barry stood up with a smile.

"What's up, bro?" Rafe's eyes narrowed in on the familiar red head and instantly made his way over to her.

He didn't know why she was here, but she certainly didn't look comfortable. So, he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her behind him. He felt the way that her small hands wrapped around his bicep, clinging to him.

"What's good with you, man?" Barry asked as he shook hands with Rafe.

"Not much, man. Should've worn a wifebeater." Rafe chuckled, although he hadn't dismissed the fact that the girl he cared for was shaking behind him.

Barry's eyes flickered between the pair, noting that it was an unlikely duo but in some strange way, they seemed to compliment one another well. He let go of a laugh before saying,

"You couldn't beat nobody, Rafe. Come on." Barry lead Rafe inside.

Cal linked her hand with Rafe's, her other hand wrapping around his bicep as he followed Barry into the caravan. She felt sick to her stomach and didn't exactly know how she was going to get away without paying the full price.

"Alright, alright, alright, let's see what we got here." Barry mumbled, pulling out a small duffel bag. "Excuse the mess."

Rafe just anxiously chuckled, pressing his lips down onto Cal's head, trying to ease her anxiety. Cal looked up at Rafe through her lashes and tried to tell him that she was in trouble, and it seemed as if he understood. He nodded slightly and pulled her even closer to him.

"And voilá." Barry smirked, holding up a small bag of cocaine. "This what we're looking for?"

"Yeah, yeah." Rafe nodded before stepping in front of Cal.

"You got that cabbage? Cause little miss over here's struggling to pay." Barry laughed. "She's gonna have to come up with something else to do, and fast."

Rafe clenched his jaw at the way that Barry spoke about Cal. It made him feel sick. He looked back at the girl, who seemed so scared and vulnerable, he'd never seen her like that before.

"So, I was hoping for a little credit." Rafe began.

"You're hoping in the wrong place." Barry threw the bag of cocaine back into the duffel bag.

"You do know how fast I'll move that, right?" Rafe questioned, his brows raising.

He felt the way that Cal tugged on his shirt from behind him, probably not wanting him to get into debt with a drug dealer. Not that he could blame her for that.

"Who has my access? Bro, I'll be back here in shoot-two days, tops. Paying what I owe you, and what Cal owes you." Barry just hummed in response, making Rafe panic, thinking that Barry wouldn't let him pay for what Cal owed. "You want my bike as collateral? I'll give you the bike as collateral."

Barry just laughed at Rafe, making Cal, squeeze Rafe's hand and pull him closer to her. He turned around to face the girl, his hand raising to cup her cheek, making her flinch away from him. His eyes softened and he didn't move.

Cal noticed that he had stayed still, allowing her to come to him in her own time. She nuzzled her cheek into the palm of his hand and closed her eyes, smiling at the safety that he brought her.

"You stupid." Barry shook his head and grabbed the small bag of cocaine. "I'm gonna tell you something man, you screw me, it's not just me that you're screwin'."

"Heard man, loud and clear." Rafe nodded, his thumb running over Cal's lip and noticing the split.

He furrowed his brows, wondering what happened for her to get the cut. His eyes then flickered up to her head, which was also bleeding. He wanted to ask who did it to her, but he was fearful that it was Barry or one of the other drug dealers.

Rafe knew that if it was she would deny it was them so that he wouldn't get hurt, so instead he remained silent and decided to ask her later, where they were both safe.

"You got balls, kid. I'll give you that." Barry handed over the cocaine. "Two days."

"I got you." Rafe nodded, placing his hand on the small of Cal's back. "Have faith in me, Barry. I appreciate it. Thanks for coming through, bro."

"See you later, Darlin'." Barry wave, making Cal flip him off.

Rafe quickly wrapped his whole hand around her finger and pulled her out of the caravan with him. He noticed the way that the men all stared as her as she walked down the porch, Rafe didn't forget to glare at them for looking at his girl for too long.

"What the hell were you doing there?" Rafe whispered harshly.

"I could ask you the same thing." Cal span on her heels to face the boy. She looked up at him through her lashes and let go of a sigh, realising that he did just practically save her life, so she should thank him. "Thank you for what you did, I owe you big time."

Rafe nodded in response, leaning down and gently connecting their lips, he was being careful due to the split lip and the fact that he didn't want to hurt her.

He slowly pulled away, his eyes softening as he looked at the girl, he ran his tongue over his bottom lip before plucking up the courage to say,

"There's a party tonight. Put on your tightest dress, you're coming with me."

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