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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal stormed into John B's house once she heard about last nights antics when Sarah returned back to the Cameron household. She apologised to Rafe and told him that she couldn't stay because she needed to talk to her idiot of a brother.

"What the actual fuck, JJ?" Cal snapped once she saw him laid on the couch with his head face down into the pillows.

JJ just groaned in response, knowing that a lecture was coming his way. Part of him wondered how Cal found out, and the other part of him always knew that she would find out because she was his sister and she seemingly knew everything that went on, on the island.

"It was nothing." JJ grumbled, knowing that if he didn't answer it would only have been worse for him.

"Nothing?" Scoffed Cal. "I wouldn't exactly call pointing a gun at Topper Thornton nothing."

John B walked into the room and the second that he saw Cal and the way her cheeks were burning red with anger he went to walk out. Although it was just his luck that the floor boards creaked, making the girl aware of his presence.

"Sit." Cal pointed to John B, she didn't even have to look up to know that it was him. "What happened?"

"I don't know what you're on about, Callista." John B shrugged, throwing his arm around the back of the couch.

"Don't 'Callista' me." Cal shook her head. "How the fuck did this idiot get a gun?"

JJ shot up at the fact that his sister called him an idiot. He went to protest but decided against it once she gave him a deathly glare. He quickly threw his hands up in surrender.

"Don't tell her." JJ whispered. "Deny, deny, deny."

"I taught you the deny, deny, deny card, JJ, don't try and pull that one on me." Cal frustratedly ran her hands through her hair, only for it to fall back into its original position, which frustrated her more.

Both boys fell into a silence, neither of them were going to tell her that they were breaking into motel rooms to find the owner of a boat which they found on the marsh.

Cal crossed her arms and decided that no matter what, the boys wouldn't tell her anything. She was just worried about JJ, if someone reported him with the gun, he could go to jail.

"Nothings gonna happen, Cal-dawg, don't worry." John B stood up and placed his hands on the girls shoulders, attempting to comfort her, knowing that she was just anxious.

The red head girl just gave John B a blank look at the nickname that had seemingly followed her around since they first met. She never really knew why he called it her, but then again she never asked.

Cal just relaxed into John B's arms and allowed him to pull her into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his torso and quickly flipped JJ the middle finger, she peaked around John B's body and saw the way that JJ smiled.

JJ stood up with a groan and walked over to his sister, wrapping his arms around her and his best friend. Before the pogues, it had always been them three. The three musketeers as his mother used to call them.

"So, how did your special friend take you leaving?" John B teased, resting his chin on top of the girls head.

Cal just chuckled and shook her head at the boy. She hated that she couldn't tell them both about Rafe, but she knew that it wouldn't go down well if they found out.

"He was fine with it. I told him it was a family emergency." Cal lied.

Rafe wasn't exactly happy at the fact that she was going back to JJ, especially since he had a gun. He was mainly worried for her safety. Cal did tell him that he was being stupid for thinking that her brother would hurt her.

"You can go back to him if you'd like." JJ whispered as they all pulled away from one another.

Cal shook her head, her family needed her right now, she wouldn't leave them. She quickly glanced up and down JJ to make sure that he wasn't hurt, and seemingly it was only John B who got stuck with the shiner on his face.

"Looks like Top packs a punch." Cal turned to John B with a toothy grin.

"You should've seen it, John B went out like a light." JJ laughed, throwing his arm over his sister and pulling her into his side.

"I did not." John B denied, sitting back on the couch and throwing his legs up onto the coffee table. "Topper didn't have anything on me."

"And that's why JJ need to step in," Cal paused, running her tongue over her bottom lip before adding, "with a gun."

"You know JJ, he likes to be centre of attention." John B shrugged.

Cal laughed, knowing that JJ did enjoy being at the centre of attention. The blonde boy scrunched his face up at the accusation before walking over to the refrigerator and grabbing another beer. He looked up to Cal questioningly, shaking it slightly to gain her attention.

The girl nodded, causing her brother to toss a beer in her direction. She caught it almost expertly, tapping the pull tab of the can before opening it.

"So, you and the kook princess." JJ asked raising his brows. "Since when have you two been friends?"

"I ran into her a few weeks ago, and I guess we just started hanging out." Cal shrugged, knowing that if Sarah was going to be hers and Rafe's cover up story, that they would have to come up with a much better cover story.

"Better Sarah than Rafe." John B laughed.

"Oh yeah." JJ agreed, nodding his head and taking a sip of his beer.

Cal gulped but instead of saying anything, she hummed in response and hoped that the boys didn't find her actions suspicious.

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