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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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Cal's eyes brimmed with tears once Rafe pulled up just beside John B's house. The car was looking out at the dock towards the pogues all drinking and laughing...without her.

It pained the girl to see them all look so happy without knowing if she was going to ever wake up again or not. But it seemed as if they didn't care. All they seemed to cared about was the fact that they were all reunited.

Rafe clenched his jaw in anger once he saw how upset Cal was getting. It physically hurt his heart to see her get so upset over the pogues, especially when they treat her like shit.

"My brother can go to the store and buy alcohol, and get pissed up on the dock but he can't come and visit his sister in the hospital." The red head allowed a stray tear to roll down her cheek.

Angrily, she wiped the tear and chewed her bottom lip, wondering what she did so wrong to make them feel like she didn't matter.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." Rafe whispered, leaning forward and pressing his lips onto the girls shoulder. She still stared out at her friends.

She couldn't believe that she once called them all a family. She understood that they all just have been happy that John B and Sarah was home, but still- it hurt her.

"On the few times that JJ did come and you weren't there." Cal turned to face the blonde boy, she couldn't help but smile once she saw how concerned he looked. "He was horrible about you. He knew that I must love you and that you love me but the way he talked about you-"

"You don't have to tell me this." Rafe placed his hands over Cal's.

"No, I do because no matter how JJ spoke bad on you, you never said a bad word about him."

Rafe softly smiled at the girl, he didn't want to talk about JJ badly because he knew that was her brother and he didn't want to upset her if she could hear him. Which she could, so now he was thankful that he never muttered a bad word.

He leant across and tucked a piece of the girls hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek. He tilted her head back so that she was looking up at him.

There weren't words yet created to express how much he loved the girl. She was his everything. She was his light in the darkest of hours. His hope when everything seemed hopeless. He would let everything burn to the ground just to save her.

Cal sucked in a deep breath, linking her fingers with Rafe's. She knew that later on she probably would regret her decision, but for now her mind was made.

"I don't want them to know." She seethed. An anger boiling up inside her once she heard the chorus of laughter. "I want to see how long it takes them to give a single fuck about me."

Rafe nodded, starting up the engine and slowly reversing away from the house. Cal's eyes lingered on the pogues for a moment. She remembered what it was like to be one of them. The thrill. The joy. The comfort.

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, she guessed that now she was dating the Kook King, Rafe Cameron, that she was no longer a pogue. And that hurt.

Her spirits were lifted as she watched JJ turn back to see the car reversing. He slowly stood up to look at it. But instead of motioning for them to stop, he crashed into a hug with Pope.

For a minute. Just a singular minute. She thought that maybe he did care about her. That maybe he realised it was her and he would tell her how much he missed her. But as quick as the thought came, it went.

Rafe noticed the girls hope fade from her face. He reached over and placed his hand on her thigh, he gave it a light squeeze, hoping that it could be of some comfort to her.

The red hair grabbed Rafe's hand within her own and brought his hand up to her lips, to place a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

"We can turn around. I'll drive down and go with you to let them know your awake." Rafe mumbled, noticing the girls hesitation from the way she kept looking back, hoping that someone was running after her.

"No." She shook her head, blinking back the tears once she realised none of them were coming after her. "No, my mind is set." She spoke determinedly.

The boy nodded, he took one last look at the pogue from his rear view mirror before pushing down the gas and driving away.

"Rafe." The girl whispered softly, he's voice cracking ever so slightly as she spoke. She didn't even wait for a response before continuing. "I should've died."

"No. Don't you dare say that." He slammed his foot on the breaks and turned to face the girl.

He'd kill JJ for making her feel this way. She practically gave JJ the world and he gave her nothing in return. She was willing to fight and die for her brother, it was just a shame he wasn't willing to do the same.

"But it's true though, you're the only person who cares about my return. And I love you. But it shouldn't be that way. I'm sorry Rafe, but I wish I did die."

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tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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