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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Rafe wasn't at home, so Cal told JJ that she would go and wait back on the boat for him and Pope. She hadn't been waiting long when Pope turned up.

"Hey, Pope. How was the grocery run?" Cal asked with a warm smile.

Pope just kept his head down and made his way to the front of the boat. Rafe's words about Cal constantly replaying over and over in his head. He was almost positive that they weren't true, but then again it would explain the video that Kie showed him and John B.

"Pope?" Cal questioned again, wondering what he hadn't answered her yet. She reached up to playfully remove his hat, to gain his attention, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and shook his head. "What happened to your face, Pope?"

"Rafe and Topper jumped me." Pope answered coldly.

Cal felt her breath get caught in her throat. She gulped out and her eyes glazed over with tears, she wanted to know why Rafe would do that to someone who she cared about.

"Why?" Cal stepped forward, she grabbed the first aid kit that was on board and began to grab a gauze, covering it in rubbing alcohol and began to clean Pope's cuts.

"I wouldn't give him a beer." Pope responded coldly. "He said no pogues on his side of the island."

The red head ran her hand over her face as she cleaned up Pope's temple. She couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault. She should have gone with Pope, maybe then Rafe wouldn't have even batted an eyelid at him.

"He kept mentioning you." Pope admitted. "He asked me if I hurt you. Why would he think that I've been hurting you, and why would he care?"

Cal shook her head, she couldn't believe Rafe. Not only had he hurt Pope but also he accused the boy of hurting her.

"Fuck." She whispered repeatedly. "Fuck."

"Cal. Why does he care? Is this about the video of you two?" Pope stood up from his slouched position to talk to the girl.

The girl froze in her spot, her brows furrowing as she turned to look at Pope. She had no clue what video he was on about and that panicked her more than anything.

"What video?" She demanded.

"The one of him snorting coke off of you and him leaving a trail of hickeys down you, God, Cal why do you think none of us asked where they came from?" Pope snapped back, he couldn't believe that she got with a Kook let alone Rafe Cameron.

The girls face dropped. If JJ had seen the video, he would have brought it up, or at the very least he wouldn't be speaking to her.

"Has JJ seen it?" The way she spoke sounded so innocent. Her voice cracked and her eyes glazed over with tears, making Pope instantly feel bad for snapping at her.

"No." He responded in a softer tone. "I deleted it before he could." Pope wanted to protect the girl from JJ's anger towards Rafe.

It didn't take a genius to notice the way that Cal's mood had lit up recently, she had been more smiley and there was a hint of joy in her eyes. Pope didn't want to take that away from the girl, not with everything that she went through in her day to day life.

"Look, I'm not telling you to tell everyone but I do think that a conversation needs to be had with JJ." Pope saw the way that the girls face filled with panic.

"Please don't tell him. I'll do anything, I'll keep you in the loop, heck if you want me to, I'll end it all with hi-"

"Callista." Pope cut the girl off, he noticed the way a stray tear rolled down her cheek. "I don't want you to do that. I hate Rafe for what he just did to me and I'll never forgive him."

He paused, remembering the way that Rafe seemed so angered by whoever hurt the girl. He'd never seen anyone so angry before. Rafe repeatedly asked him with every hit who laid a finger on the red head.

"But, he's obviously doing it to protect you, which means he cares about you. And I can see that you care about him." Pope whispered almost as if it was a secret.

Cal couldn't imagine what she would do if Rafe wasn't in her life. As strange as it sounded to say, he was everything to her. Her eyes stung with unshed tears, and her bottom lip began to quiver slightly.

"Why haven't you told him about Luke?" Pope questioned curiously, taking a quick glance at his watch. JJ should have been back by now, but he still hadn't returned.

"I've told people before, nobody believed me." Cal remembered the time that Pope went down to the Sheriff's office and told Peterkin, she said since there was no proof, nothing could be done about it. "Nobody protected me."

"He would. From the anger that he held just thinking about you being hurt, I don't think he'd stop until Luke was behind bars." Pope was honest about what he was saying, he couldn't imagine that Rafe would just walk away from the fact that Luke hurt Cal.

The girl hummed in response. She hated Luke for what he did to her and JJ, but at the end of the day, he was still their dad and she still cared for him. She knew that things would have been so much easier if her mom was still around, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

"You think I should tell him?" Cal questioned, picking at the skin surrounding her fingers. She glance to the dock to see if JJ was making his way down, but he still was yet to return.

"I do." Pope nodded in confirmation. "And I think you should do it today."

Cal nodded, she had wanted to talk to Rafe about her situation anyway, but now she would be able to talk to him about what he did to Pope.

"Tell JJ that I had an errand to run, I'll meet him at home later." Cal climbed off the boat, watching as Pope saluted with a smile.

He was still in pain from what Rafe did. Plus he was still in shock at the fact that they had something, but Rafe clearly made her happy and he wasn't about to stand in the way of that.

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