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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.



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After Rafe had helped Cal into the car, he just sat at the drivers seat. He didn't turn the engine on, but instead turned to face the girl with fear in his eyes.

"What's wrong, baby?" Cal questioned, her voice was soft as she spoke. She gently placed her hand over his and smiled up to the boy.

"You could hear everything." Rafe whispered. "You heard about what I did-"

"About how you shot Peterkin?" Cal hummed. "Yeah I heard."

She disliked Peterkin for what she did to her. When Cal needed help the most, Peterkin pushed her aside and said that there was no proof of Luke's abuse towards her so she couldn't do anything. But that didn't mean she wanted her dead.

What Cal was most worried about was Rafe's future. He had murdered someone, whether he had his reasons or not, killing someone would fuck him up for life.

"I'm sorry, Cal. She- She was gonna shoot my dad and the things she did to you." Rafe's breath hitched, his hand rested over his racing heart. "I couldn't get it out of my head."

Cal climbed over onto Rafe's lap. She ran her fingers through his soft hair, which instead of being gelled back like she remembered, it now fell in front of his eyes. She certainly preferred it that way.

She leant forward and gently pressed her lips against his. Rafe had missed the way her lips tasted. She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here now. We can work though this together." She rested her head against his, feeling his warm breath against her face.

"You know John B's blamed for this right?" Rafe raised his brow curiously, wondering if she still felt the same knowing that John B could go down for something that he didn't do.

"I know." She nodded. "But he's dead." Realisation hadn't settled in for her yet that John B and Sarah are dead. It was something that she would need time to process.

"No, sweetheart, he's not." Rafe gripped the girls waist, his hands had slipped under her t-shirt, his thumb running over the skin on her hips. "Kelce just told me before I got the call that you were awake. He's alive and back in the cut. He was just seen buying beer with JJ."

Cal's eyes filled with tears at the mention of John B being alive, but also her brother. He hadn't visited her in a while, she hadn't heard his voice for well over a week.

"JJ." Cal whispered. "Where is he? Why hasn't he turned up?"

"I don't know." Rafe clenched his jaw, seeing how visibly upset the girl was getting at the fact that her brother still wasn't here to see her. "Kelce said that they were at Geechie's buying beer, I guess they were celebrating John B and Sarah's return."

"But Nurse Sullivan called you both. You dropped everything to be here with me. He's out drinking."

It pained the girl to think that JJ would rather be drinking than seeing his sister for the first time in months.

"I have something else to tell you." Rafe whispered, wondering how the girl was going to react to his next statement.

Cal nodded, blinking back the tears that had formed in her eyes and plastered a smile onto her face, wishing for the boy to continue.

"My dad found the Royal Merchant gold." He blurted out. "He took me to the Bahamas to see it. It's all there. And I want you to be apart of it with me."

It made Cal smile that Rafe instantly told her about the gold. Whilst in her coma, Pope had told her about them searching for the Royal merchant. It hurt her that they all kept it a secret from her, like she would ruin it in some way if she knew.

"I love you." Cal pressed her lips against Rafe's again. His hand gripped her ass, making her arch into him.

A smirk formed on her lips as she heard him groan into the kiss. She had missed feeling like this. The excitement of her and Rafe's relationship. She'd missed feeling happy.

"I love you, so much." Rafe whispered as he trailed kisses down her jaw line and to the sweet spot on her neck. "You're everything." He looked back up at the girl, his eyes softened and a smile formed on his face. "I was so scared that I was gonna lose you. After Lou visited, Nurse Sullivan told me you flatlined. I thought you died."

Cal quickly wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek, a pang in her heart made her feel guilty for everything that she did. She didn't realise how much pain Rafe would have been in if she was gone. All she was thinking about was protecting her brother.

"Lou." Cal whispered. "Did you read my letters?" Rafe nodded, which broke Cal's heart further. "I'm sorry. There's a lot of raw emotion in them."

"I liked it, despite hearing everything that made you sad or hurt, it made me feel closer to you." Rafe explained, bringing his hand up to tuck a piece of the girls hair behind her ear. "We can talk about Lou another day, for now, sweetheart I just want to be with you and do things that you want to do, so what is it you want to do?"

Cal hummed, she wanted to see JJ. She wanted to let them all know that she was awake and okay. She wanted to ask her brother why he hadn't seen her in a while and she wanted to ask Kie why she hadn't come at all.

"I want to see JJ."

Rafe nodded understandingly, he tapped the girls thighs making her climb off him and back into the passenger seat. His hand gripped her thigh as he started up the engine before heading the back way to The Cut.

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