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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
No matter what happens, I'll always
choose you



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Cal hadn't been able to settle once she saw Jimmy be shot by Singh. Rafe had attempted to comfort her, but it had been no use. She hadn't been able to sleep, but she laid in Rafe's arms whilst he slept.

When Kie woke, she knocked on the windows to gain the attention of the guards to speak to Singh. Rafe tried to convince her to stay quiet but she ignored his pleas.

Once the brown haired girl returned she looked defeated and upset. Rafe couldn't help but ask what happened and tried to get more information out of her. Cal placed her hand on his bicep, knowing Kie better than that.

Kie just snapped at the boy, talking to him about Sarah and the other pogues. Which didn't go down well with Rafe. Cal ran her hand through her hair as sat opposite the pair as Rafe was trying to convince her to work with him.

When Rafe came up with a plan, Cal wasn't 100% convinced that it was going to work. But she went along with it as the pair shouted at one another, Cal hid behind the door with a large vase to swing over the guards head when he walked in.

"Hey you three, whatcha do?" The guard shouted, unlocking the door and walking in.

Cal waited until he looked at Kie before swinging the vase around his head. Rafe punched him in the face, making him fall to the floor with a loud groan.

The red head quickly grabbed the gun and aimed it at the guard. Rafe had been teaching her how to use a gun over the past month, and although she wasn't fully confident in her abilities yet, she knew that she could at least fake it to scare the guards.

"Stay down, you understand." Rafe hissed as he knelt down on top of the man.

"Huge mistake. You'll regret this." The guard seethed,

"Phone, Rafe." Cal pointed to the phone peaking out of the man's pocket. "Kie pull down the blinds and tie him up."

Kie gave the girl a weary look, but quickly rushed to pull down the blinds so that they could tie him up. Cal hated that the pogues opinion of her had changed. But she wasn't the same girl that they knew growing up. She had changed. And that wasn't because of the person that she loved.

"Come on." Rafe placed his hand on the small of Cal's back, guiding her to the exit. She quickly handed him the gun and in return, he handed her the phone.

He looked out the door, quickly exiting and locking it behind him. Rafe lead the girls down the stairs Rafe linked his hands with Cal after placing the gun in his waistband.

"Ready?" Rafe opened the door to the hallway, pulling Cal further behind him. Nothing was going to happen to her, ever. He would protect her with his life. "Okay this way."

Rafe went to exit, hiding away from the guards that were posted at the door, unlike Kie who went to the living room to take a photo of the wall.

"Kie come on." Cal whisper shouted. "What are you doing?"

"Hold on." Kie snapped back, causing Cal to pull away from Rafe and rush over to the girl.

"We have to go, Kiara. Now." Cal placed her hand out for Kie's, almost pleadingly. There was a time that the two of them were best friends.

Kie's face faltered. She looked up at Cal and then back down at the hand. She reluctantly held the red heads hand and ran to outside with her.

"Can you see?"

"I got an idea, come on." Kie spoke up, tapping Rafe's bicep. The trio took off running in the direction of the moving truck. Cal quickly caught on.

The three of the jumped onto the truck, Cal's eyes widened once they were met with a man. Cal jumped up, pushing him against the truck, slamming his head down and knocking him unconscious.

Rafe jumped up after the girl, he quickly threw the man over onto the side of the road. Cal's eyes followed his every move.

The boys hands cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. He pressed his lips against her forehead, making Cal close her eyes and relax into his body.

"You're okay." He whispered.

Kie watched the couple intact carefully. They were certainly interesting together and happened to fit with one another nicely. But she could never get behind it.

Rafe pulled the girl down with him, Kie sitting beside them. Cal rested her head on Rafe's shoulder, linking their hands together as Rafe spoke to Kie about offering her a ride of the island.

Cal just wanted to go home. Not home as in Barbados, but home as in Outer Banks. As much as she hated where she grew up, it had all her memories there too. Memories of her mom, her and JJ grows up. Her dad-

-when he wasn't abusive.

She just wanted a simple life, with Rafe.

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snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ thesaintsseries & leeandhan

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