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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal was already drunk, so she doubted that she would remember much of the party tomorrow. Rafe kept whispering in her ear about her being hot in just her bikini top and shorts. He also kept telling her that she belonged to him and only him.

The girl didn't mind, she enjoyed the way his hands felt on her skin, his fingers tracing patterns and his lips attached to her neck, leaving a trail of hickeys.

For the first time ever, it seemed as if neither of them cared that they were with one another in front of others. Although both of them knew that they could have the excuse of they were drunk and high.

Rafe brought his pointer and middle finger up to the girls chin, forcing her to look at him. His eyes had darkened and in a way, he looked more lustful. The girl instantly submitted to his dominance, her thighs clenching as his eyes flickered down her body.

"Lay on the table." He instructed.

Cal didn't even question anything, instead she laid back on the table as watched as Rafe grabbed the bag of cocaine, placing a small amount on the girls stomach, before placing it into a line.

Her breathing increased as he kissed down her body to get to the cocaine. She passed him a dollar that was rolled up so that he could do the line.

Rafe glanced at the girl with a smirk, watching as she sat up once he finished his line. He didn't care that people had filmed them or watched. All he cared about right now was Cal. He brought his hand to cup the back of her neck, before slamming his lips down on the girl.

He could taste the cheap alcohol on her lips as they kissed. He didn't care, all he wanted was her. The way she arched her back to be closer to him, drove him insane.

Her hands gripped his shirt in a tight ball, her legs wrapping around his torso as his tongue ran over her bottom lip. A few hollers were heard, making the girl groan and pull away, she wasn't putting on a show. She didn't want everyone's attention, only Rafe's.

Cal pulled herself away from Rafe and went to sit down around the table, grabbing another red solo cup and drinking whatever was inside it. She grimaced slightly at the strong taste, but just shrugged it off.

Frustrated at the fact that she pulled away from him, Rafe followed the girl. His strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her onto his lap before he turned to the girl next to him, who had been doing lines for as long as he had.

"Here's 60." The girl handed $60 to Rafe, a smirk formed on his face, he didn't even bother to count it, instead he tucked the money into Cal's bikini.

"You got 60." He nodded back to the girl. "40." He paused. "You know, 40 isn't enough for the amount of coke you've been doing tonight, but I'll let it slide this time."

Cal grinded against Rafe, making his grip on her hips tighten. A small chuckle escaped the girls lips, causing her to do it again. Rafe groaned at the contact, his lips pressing against the girls shoulder blade to quieten himself.

"Top." Rafe shouted, trying to distract himself from what just happened. "Hey, Top." He tapped Cal's thighs, making her stand up so that he could follow in suit.

Topper gave the girl a confused look, wondering why she was at a kook party when she was in fact a pogue. He then glanced over to Rafe, who despite now being stood next to him, couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"Hey, everybody, this is Top, alright?" Rafe introduced his sister's boyfriend to the people he had only just met. "I call him the Shred God. He goes Conan on overheads, right? What we're you last year? You were like top ten."

"Last heat, uh, seventh in nationals." Topper responded, nothing the way that the blonde turned and gave him her full attention.

"He was seventh in nationals." Rafe repeated, his arms snaking around Cal's waist and pulling her back into him. "Take a seat, sit down man."

"You want a bump?" The girl questioned Topper as he sat down beside her.

"A bump?" Topper paused once Kelces hand clamped down on his shoulder.

"It tasted like bananas." Kelce smiled, clearly already high.

Cal turned and faced Rafe, her hands locking behind his head. She looked up at him through her lashes, pursing her lips, making the boy smile and connect their lips momentarily.

"If you don't hit it, then I will." The blonde smiled, looking towards Topper as if he was insane for declining.

"It's true man, she's been pulling like, I don't know, half a gram tonight?" Rafe took Kelce's seat as he walked off. Cal sat herself on the boys lap, her fingers running through his hair, making his eyes roll into the back of his head.

"Yeah, yeah let's do it." Topper shrugged, not wanting to seem as if he was a coward.

"Do you want to do one?" Rafe questioned the boy, making Topper now. "And what about you, sweetheart?"

"I'm good." Cal responded, pressing her lips against the corner of his.

Topper wished that he had the courage to say no, but he felt like Rafe and the others would judge him if he said no. Plus he didn't want the girl to do anymore and put herself in hospital.

He leant down and did the line, making everyone smirk in response. Cal rolled her eyes, the one thing she never would do is drugs. Her father became more toxic and abusive on them and she didn't want to turn out like him.

"Hey, take it easy man." Rafe spoke calmly, placing his hand on Topper's shoulder as the boy began to violently cough from doing the line. "This isn't your first rodeo is it?"

"Hell no it's not." Topper shouted, but Cal could tell that he was lying to seem tougher than he actually was, but she stayed silent. "Let's do another one."

Cal pressed her forehead against Rafe's, she ran her tongue over her bottom lip as she looked at him. He had a smile spread across his face, which made the girl happy. He deserved to be happy.

"Baby." She whispered, gaining his full attention. "I'm gonna head home."

"No, don't leave." Rafe forgot that he was meant to be doing a line with Topper and cupped the girls cheeks instead. "Just a few more minutes."

"Okay." Cal agreed, not really knowing how to say no to the boy.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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