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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.



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Cal sat on the edge of Rafe's bed in one of his shirts, she played with the hem as she waited for him to come in, every second without him felt awfully lonely and she started to realise how much she didn't just want him but she needed him.

He had just text her to say he was finishing up at the gym downstairs and wouldn't be long, honestly she'd hoped that he'd join her in the shower like he'd suggested but nevertheless she enjoyed the time to herself with the hot water beating against her aching muscles.

She felt clean and refreshed now that she had showered. Although, she didn't appreciate her hair dripping down her back and soaking the clean shirt.

The red head wasn't sure whether to tell him that John B now knew about them, or if that would change his mind on the fact that he said he didn't want to be a secret anymore. She didn't want him to take back what he'd said because honestly she wanted what he did, she was just worried about everyone's reaction.

Anxiously, she chewed on her bottom lip until it bled, she didn't know what to do. With the inside of her mouth tasting like strong copper she instead, decided to see how it felt in the moment.

"Hey, sweetheart." Rafe smiled once he saw the girl in his shirt. "You look beautiful."

Cal rolled her eyes at the boy, trying to play off the blush that was forming on her face, it burnt her cheeks incredibly and she bowed her head momentarily to gain her cool again. She slowly stood up and walked over to Rafe with a smile.

Rafe leant down for a kiss, but the girls hands instantly flew up to his chest and pushed him back, letting go of a tut whilst shaking her head. The boy furrowed his brows and stepped back, wondering why she didn't want to kiss him.

He looked so hurt and Cal hated that. A pout formed on his face, one that somehow seemed more sarcastic than upset, but the girl could see straight through it.

"Shower first, you stink." Cal allowed a playful smirk to form on her face as she watched the boys lips curl into a teasing smile. He'd actually panicked for a second but now he knew what was wrong he was able to smirk.

He hummed in response, wrapping his arms around the girl anyway and pulling her into his chest. She tilted her head back with a giggle and that was when Rafe pressed his lips against hers.

She almost instantly melted into his arms, his lips were so addictive. He was her drug, something she would always crave. His hands gripped the small of her back, pulling her even closer to him, making her let go of a small whimper.

Rafe loved the way she clung onto his shirt, gripping so tightly that her knuckles turned white. It made him wondered if she thought that he would leave her, or if she just didn't want him to pull away.

Either way, he was staying right where he was.

"Cinema." Rafe whispered against her lips.

Cal pulled away with furrowed brows. She let go of a chuckle, wondering why he randomly whispered the word against her lips. Part of her thought that she was hearing things, the other part of her thought that Rafe was delusional, she wasn't sure which part was right.

"Cinema?" Cal questioned.

Rafe chuckled at the girl, she seemed so thrown off and she looked adorable, especially when her nose scrunched up and a singular dimple formed on her chin.

"I want to take you to the OBX cinema." The words rolled so perfectly off it his tongue, almost as if he had rehearsed them. Maybe he had and that's why he'd taken so long coming upstairs to meet her.

The girls smile faltered, she couldn't tell if Rafe was playing some sort of sick joke on her. He mentioned that he didn't want to keep her a secret any longer, but she wasn't sure if that was a spur of the moment thing that he was just saying.

"Tonight, at 6pm." Rafe continued since the girl looked startled. "Cal?"

Cal snapped out of her gaze, she tilted her head slightly to look up at the blonde boy. Her heart beginning to race. Everything about him was perfect, from the way his eyes glistened in the early morning light to the way his lips curled upwards slightly causing a dimple.

"I'll be there." She nodded with a grin.

She didn't stop smiling not even when she had to pry from him which would have usually made her pout, she'd decided that she needed to make an extra effort and without really wanting to she knew she had to head home.

She needed clothes, specifically ones that made her look hot enough to be seen in public as Rafe Cameron's girl.

The house was quiet which was eerie and caused Cal to return back to chewing her already bleeding lip, she couldn't even hear Luke's heavy breathing or snores like usual.

She contemplated shouting something into the house but she decided to just head straight towards her room and keep herself from trouble, she changed into over 100 outfits not quite sure why she'd become such a snob over her clothes and what she wore.

"Callista?" Called Luke's voice but rather than being angry and loud it sounded almost as if he was choking on his own saliva. Cal checked the time, if she slipped out now she'd make it to the cinema at least fashionably late but when she noticed Luke's feet laying out from JJ's room she couldn't leave him.

"What the-" She dropped her bag and rushed to help Luke up so that he didn't choke any further on his vomit, he must've collapsed because in his hand he still had cash scrunched in his balled fists.

"I thought that was my baby girl." Luke softened looking up at his daughter starry eyed, it was rare that he acted such a way towards the girl and suddenly there was hot tears trailing down her cheeks.

"Come on, let's get you up." Cal spoke helping Luke to his feet and allowing his arm to trail across her shoulders, she practically carried him to his own bed prying the dollars from his hands and pushing them in her shorts pocket.

"I'm proud of you, Callista." He cooed reaching up to caress her cheek, and Cal knew that it was this man that fell in love with her mother.

Cal knew she could have left then but instead she dragged her back against the wall and brought her knees to her chin and allowed the tears to continue to fall watching as Luke fell unconscious again.

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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