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OBLIVION . . . 𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.


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Cal wished that she brought one of the pogues with her to the party, she didn't recognise anyone. She was told by a girl at school that the party was going to be 'the party of the year' and that 'everyone was going to be there.' But so far, Cal hadn't seen anyone from her school.

She filled her solo cup with cheap beer, she scrunched her nose up in disgust at the smell, wondering if there was anything stronger to drink. She glanced around the table of alcohol and decided that there wasn't anything nice enough for her to drink other than the beer.

"Suck's doesn't it." Rafe plucked up the courage to say. He was already slightly tipsy, so when he saw Cal, he didn't care that she was a pogue, he was just happy that he recognised someone.

The red head turned to face Rafe, taking a sip of her beer as she looked up at him through her lashes. She'll admit that he looked good in his tight fitted shirt that showed off his muscles. His hair wasn't gelled back, but rather a mess and flopping down in front of his eyes. It suited him.

"Damn right it does." Cal chuckled, wondering why he decided to talk to her.

"You here with anyone?" He questioned, grabbing a solo cup and pouring himself a beer.

Cal looked around at the people in the house, wondering if she could use any of them as an excuse. But Rafe seemed to have caught on to her plan as he said,

"Me either. Topper was meant to be coming but he ditched to spend time with my sister." Rafe chuckled. "I think he has a thing for her."

"You think?" Cal raised her brows. "You should see the way he looks at her, he's almost ready to pop the question."

Rafe leant back against the counter top, he lightly grabbed Cal's waist and pulled her back so that others could get to the alcohol filled table. Cal didn't say anything, she just gave him a small look, which made him remove his hand.

"What happened to you lip?" Rafe pointed to the fresh cut on the girls lip.

Cal brought her hand up to touch her lip, Luke had gotten mad at her and JJ, she took the beating so that JJ didn't have too.

"Fell." Cal lied. Rafe could tell that she was lying, but he didn't bring it up. They didn't know one another well enough for him to continue pressing her for answers.

OBLIVION | RAFE CAMERONWhere stories live. Discover now