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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
She was his drug and without her he felt like he was going insane.


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"ADMIT IT!" Shouted Luke as he held the belt tightly in his hand. He had raised it threateningly, ready to hit his daughter with it.

"I didn't do it!" Cal screamed back. The young girl was terrified of Luke, but she wasn't going to admit to doing something that she didn't do.

"LAIR!" Luke shouted, swinging the belt, making it strike across Cal's face. The girls eyes stung with tears and her face burnt. "Admit that you stole from the store! Tell me why the police brought you home."

Cal didn't want to tell her dad that it was JJ that actually stole from the corner store. She didn't want Luke's anger directed towards him.

"Dad! Stop." JJ shouted, causing all the attention to divert to him.

JJ's eyes saddened once they saw the amount of pain that Cal was in. He had done this to her. He didn't protect her from their dad like he promised to do.

"Do you want it next?" Luke held up the belt, his jaw clenched tightly, making JJ shake his head and cower away.

He knew he was a coward for not admitting to his dad that he was the reason that the police were knocking at their door and that Cal took the fall for him.

Part of Cal wished that he said something, so that she didn't have to get hit again. But the other part of her wanted to protect her brother. She didn't want him in pain.

"Last chance, Callista." Luke seethed, his eyes darker than before.

Cal shook her head, her eyes flickering over to JJ, who fiddled with the ends of his jumper nervously. The girl closed her eyes, waiting for the impact of the belt on her skin again.

But instead, she felt the leather wrap around her neck, her eyes widened as Luke tightened the belt and districted air flow. Cal gasped and tried to pull at the belt, but it was no use.

Luke's hands were shaking as he tightened his grip and listened to his daughter gasping for air. He could feel her body going limp, so he released the belt and watched as Cal dropped to the floor.

JJ ran over to his sister, instantly helping her stand up. He looked over to his dad, who was currently gluing down a beer.

"I'm sorry." JJ whispered. "I didn't want you-"

"It's okay, J. It's not your fault." Cal responded, leaning her head against his shoulders.

Cal would always take the fall for her brother. No matter what. She swore that she would protect him and that was a promise she intended to keep.

"I miss mom." Cal mumbled. Her heart was racing, she hadn't spoken about her mother with JJ in a long time. But it felt right. She just hoped that she didn't upset him.

"Me too, Cal." He pressed his lips against her temple, wanting to comfort her but not knowing how. "We can go stay at JB's if you want?"

Cal looked back at Luke longingly. He was drinking and taking drugs. She couldn't leave him unattended. She didn't want him to die and for her and JJ to be separated in the foster system. She needed to be here to keep an eye on him.

"No, but you should go." Cal nodded to JJ.

"Not with out you." JJ shook his head dismissively.

The red head took in a deep breath, causing a sharpe pain in her ribs, but she didn't let that show.

"Please, J. I need you out of the house so I'm not worried about you too. Big John will take care of you. And I'll come over in the morning."

JJ didn't seem overly convinced by the girl, but he didn't want to put her under any more stress, so reluctantly, he nodded.

"Thank you." Cal smiled, leaning up and kissing the boy on the cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." JJ grabbed his go bag and left the house without another word.

Cal finally allowed the tears to fall, the pain she was feeling was excruciating. She knew that she probably had a broken rib or two, but she couldn't go to the hospital, not only could her father or her not afford it, but also she didn't want to be taken away from JJ or Luke.

The girl glanced over to her dad, who was passed out on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand.

"Oh dad." Cal whispered as she grabbed a blanket and covered him. "Why do you keep doing this to us?"

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newmann
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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