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OBLIVION      . . .      𝑏𝘰𝘰𝑘 1
He soon learnt that in this world the only person he could really count on was the girl.


━━━━━━━━━━━━ LETTER

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━━━━━━━━━━━━ LETTER

Dear Rafe,

I can only start with an apology. I'm sorry - for the lies and for the fights. I'm sorry for this letter and the many others in the box below. But before you jump to to conclusions, I want you to fully understand my reasons, their reasons and the fact that you're MY reason.

Just a few days ago, I was thinking about our future, it was so bright. The kooks and the pogues lived amongst each other and we didn't have to be Romeo and Juliet anymore. 

We'd have babies, a boy and a girl - I haven't given them names, I think that would only have made this harder.

We'd have a house next door to my brother. The kids would stay at Uncle J's while we worked. I've always wanted to be a teacher - to help people, I think I'd be good at it. You'd be a mechanic, because although it's a secret to everyone else, baby, I know how much you know about cars and bikes. You're intelligent you know?

Don't let anyone tell you different.

Before home was you, home was four walls and four people. It used to be happy, we used to be happy, or maybe that's just how I decipher what it was like with mom and then without her.

It was the loss of my mom that drove him to the drugs and the alcohol, he enjoyed looking at the bottom of a bottle more than he did me and JJ and it all developed from there I think.

I wish you'd stop- the drinking and the drugs- I just would hate for you to self destruct quite like my father did because he used to be kind and he used to be understanding just like you.

I hope deep down that maybe if Luke just sobered himself up that home life for JJ could improve. He could go back to his room with his posters that hang in his wardrobe, because I know he misses them dearly when we leave.

God- don't tell him you know that. He'd hate me forever.

You might not always believe it but JJ's protected me ever since the beatings started, he's stood in between me and my dad possibly more times than I've done for him.

He looked after me in other ways too, we used to steal Christmas presents for each other and sit on the dock while we exchanged them, he'd sing Christmas carols and John B would bring us each a plate of Big Johns Christmas dinner.

I'm writing this with a smile, because I know you may not believe it but there's been some good memories come from Luke's neglectful parenting.

I want JJ to fall in love with someone like how I've fallen in love with you, Rafe Cameron. You are my life, my soul, my protector and you've been the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for.

I need you to know that, I need you to reread it a thousand times a day if you have to, but I want you to believe it because every part of it's true.

From the kisses to the arguments, you have been the utmost pleasure to have by my side and for that reason exactly, these letters are going to you.

You don't have to read them all, but I give you permission if you want to read stupid 10 year old me talk about my school crushes and my brothers stupid friends.

I think if you read back far enough there's a letter I wrote about how you won that competition in shop, you made that wooden race car and it actually moved and you made Sarah sit inside and try it out and she cried the whole time- it was the peak of ninth grade for me.

I know that it's going to be hard for me to place those letters down on your bed without waiting around for you, I can already feel my heart ache at the thought of going to your house without the intent of seeing you.

You just need to know that I'm infinitely sorry, for ruining what we had and for hurting you in ways you probably don't even know yet.

I'm sorry that I went back home, I need to make a deal with Luke for JJ's benefit and I need you to understand that that's not me choosing him over us that's just me finally doing the most selfless thing I can think of to help stop this cruel cycle.

I love you, baby, I always have and I always will.

Take care of yourself and of JJ for me no matter how hard that might be for you.

YOUR sweetheart

instagram ~ vxidcameron & em.newman
snapchat ~ emilynewman1234
tik tok ~ vxidbucky & leeandhan

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