Chapter Four

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Jocelyn was trudging through the day slowly.

It was awful for a variety of reasons, one being that she woke up with a nasty pimple on her forehead. But as the minutes passed and the hours drawled at a snail's pace, she found more things to hate. One was that she was a lonely mother fucker that had no friends to distract her.

The whole point of the cafe was to blend in and help herself be more social. not to isolate herself further whilst growing an unhealthy obsession with coffee art.

To be very honest, Jocelyn disliked people. It was too difficult and stressful to try to comprehend the complexities of human emotions. People's different origins and experiences mold them in ways that the girl could not comprehend. It was fascinating to observe how some people could remain resilient while others succumbed to their own demise.

Nonetheless, they were sophisticated and infuriatingly perplexing.

Not to mention how disgusting they can be. I mean, have you ever found yourself doing or thinking something so weird and repulsive that it makes you question your whole existence?

The internet was far stranger and more interesting.

Anyway, here she was, an ex-soldier turned barista, preparing delicious coffee and buttery sweet pastries for the same creatures she dreaded.

But she remained lonely, desiring social interaction and relational connections. Humans are, after all, social beings. Jocelyn was wired to crave friendship and inclusion, and she desired to feel like she belonged.

It was a weird and frightening sensation that had gone unnoticed for many years. Her sudden shift in surroundings, however, has disturbed her blockade, causing everything to succumb to her emotions. Her stomach shook with fear, and it wasn't because she ate dairy.

The strange event puzzled Jocelyn. It seemed strange to have her emotions speak louder than her logic. Back in her homeworld, such topics were not important to discuss. What was the point of longing for such pleasantries while you were in the midst of battle?

This is what distinguished Jocelyn from others. She is an alien. It's so cool, right? Well, it was kind of boring when you considered that her people were technically descended from humans.

In her timeline, Earth had long fallen and could no longer support life; fortunately, by this point in time, solar travel was common, and they had already discovered and begun settling on a second Earth-like planet.

After hundreds of years, Earth was nothing more than a lifeless rock drifting in space, a footnote in history books.

Yllora, the name of this new planet, had an environment that started to mutate the human gene based on a powerful electromagnetic flow in the planet's gravity. It wasn't harmful, but as generations came and went, it altered human DNA and gave individuals access to incredible powers.

These abilities could grant people superhuman speed and strength, as well as the capacity to control the elements. Jocelyn harnessed the power of lightning and swiftly rose through the ranks to become a high-ranking commander in the army.

Their main enemy was another alien race, and during a solo mission that she was dispatched on to spy on the enemy, she was sucked into a black hole. Before she could understand what happened or send a distress signal, she had landed on Earth, hundreds of years before the great migration.

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