Chapter Thirty-One

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Mum & Dad are Fighting



Jocelyn sat with her arms crossed, brows furrowed and lips pressed into an exaggerated pout. Bruce sighed irritably beside her but refused to say a word. The two were in a stalemate of their argument.

The rest of the bat family, those Jocelyn was familiar with and those she wasn't, all shared equal looks of confusion. They had entered the room and found the duo like this and frankly didn't know what to do.

"Whose fault is it?" Cassandra finally asked after a millennium of silence. Everyone turned to her and glared, wondering why on Earth she would want to open the fresh wounds. The girl raised her hands in mock surrender and shrugged.

"You really want to know?" Jocelyn raised her brow.

"No they don't," Bruce spoke in his low gravel voice.

"She fucking asked, so she fucking does," Jocelyn snapped at him, arms in the air. He returned the gesture and soon the two were shrieking at each other. Their words garbled under their sheer volume and accusing tone.

"I'm not the one that nearly got myself killed" Bruce shouted. She gasped in offense and placed a hand on her chest, reeling her head back to refute.

"And I'm not the suffocating authoritarian who has a need to control everyone," she hissed at him, invisible claws glinting in the light.

As they returned to their hiss feast, very uncharacteristic for the older male, the children couldn't help but feel the same kind of anxiety a child feels when their parents argue.

Stephanie sobbed and clutched Barbara's hand, saying, "Mum and dad are fighting." The oldest two stopped bickering and nearly got whiplash from looking at her so quickly.

"WE AREN'T ARGUING!" they shouted in unison. Looking at each other in disgust afterward.

"Then stop shouting and please explain what happened." Dick squeezed between the two and tried to mediate the situation. Before Bruce could open his mouth, Jocelyn smushed her finger against his lip and made a shushing sound.

"Ladies first," she started before sighing, "it all started when..."


The previous night

Ever since their first organized attack on the Drom, there has been quick retaliation that leaves everyone on edge. From rescuing humans from becoming fertilizer and escalating to raiding the smaller Drom bases scattered throughout the city,

Once they found one base, it was significantly easier to find the other. Especially when they were all settled into small four-pointed star formations. They used to do this a lot when Jocelyn was still on her planet. Once you located two, you could find the other half.

Like in a game of battleship, the two sides attacked. The Drom retaliated when they got hit, and the AAD returned the fire when they were cornered. A tug of war that only proved to show that both sides knew what they were doing.

It was a full-time job of sourcing out where the Drom were located, infiltrating the small encampment, and making sure to loot all resources and rescue all living prisoners. The last thing the AAD wanted was to leave behind someone or something important.

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