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Attack on Drom



You know, it's okay to not be okay. That having anxiety, depression, stress, or conflicting emotions around yourself is not normal and should not be normal, but understand that it is human.

As an evolving society, we face complications and struggles on a daily basis. The people we meet and associate with on a daily basis can all have an impact on our mentality, so we need to look out for those we care about. Especially when they aren't coping.

Don't try to solve their problems or force them to talk to you. It presses them and makes them feel like a burden and that they have to act OK. Instead, listen when they do talk and ensure that you don't, from then on, make them feel like a freak by focusing on what they discussed.

Don't use "why" questions, but instead change them to "what made you feel this way" and/or "how can I help you?". They still ask what you want to know and this lets them express themselves without the confronting feeling of feeling like it is their fault. Because who likes being asked why there's something wrong with them?

This is most definitely boring you and you probably want to get back to the story, but I've been having an off week and felt that maybe someone else is too. So remember that yes, it's hard now, you feel tired and angry with the world. I get it more than you may like to believe. But remember that where there is good and joy, there are tools and mechanisms you can use to retrieve that spark you lost.

It could be: following an idol group, watching dramas, learning how to cook and bake, picking up old hobbies or finding new ones, making art, getting a job you love, perusing education, reading all the books you could ever want.

It may be hard, and I have no right to tell you how to live your life. Nor do I know what it is like. But I hope this might have helped as it helped me once. Remember that every small achievement is still an accomplishment. Going to work, doing your routine, texting a friend, or keeping your room clean. Everything is a step towards something, and you should treat yourself like the biggest winner there is for not giving in.

Sorry for the interruption. I hope you like the chapter.


For the next few days the villains who joined the fight against the alien threat had become extremely versatile allies. Utilizing all the connections they had among the underworld to gather information on the enemy. Together they became the AAD, Alliance Against Droom. Which in hindsight sounded like it stood for some kind of addiction service.

Everything the alliance did screamed illegal, mainly because it was. From intimidating civilians, torturing and maiming, hacking into government sites, stealing, breaking and entering, ect. But as much as the Bat-family complained, in the end, it was all helpful, and frankly, they wanted to avoid Jocelyn's lecturing. The girl was growing attached to the villains and any petty squabbles between the two sides would be quickly shut down by her mighty fist and heated glare.

Not everyone lived on base with Jocelyn, the base being the warehouse because they still had territories to protect. But as the Drom slowly creeped their ways out of the gutters, it became clear just how integrated into society they had become.

The Penguin had come crashing into the warehouse in near tears with one of his henchmen tied up claiming it had been switched with a Drom. Jocelyn had comforted the man whilst interrogating the Drom spy, the man hollering about how angry he was.

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