Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Dawn Rises & Chaos Lives



Jocelyn woke up in her bed. Someone had tapped her shoulder, shocking her sharp senses. Dick blinked at her through the darkness, a sheepish expression of guilt on his face. He was holding a finger to his lips, indicating she should remain silent.

She blinked through her growing headache and rubbed her eyes while sitting up. The male gently took her hand in his and helped her off the bed. She stepped down from the mattress and had to make a long lunge to avoid a sleeping body on the floor.

Tim let out a long snore, unbothered by the feet sitting on his chest as Damian lay sprawled beside him. Jocelyn grabbed her bed covers and draped them over the two as she exited. Once they were out of the room, she closed the door and turned to face her human alarm.

"It's like 5 am. What's the matter?" she asked, yawning.

"I wanted to show you something," the male said, offering his hand once more. She hesitated for a single moment before accepting his hand. He led her to the garage, where we got onto his bike.

She got up behind him and folded her arms around his middle, the spare helmet snug on her head. They took off into the woods, going up the winding motor trail and stopping when the path turned to dirt and then grass.

They hopped off, trekking up a small hill and towards a cliff edge. The view was amazing. Looking out beyond the mass of trees before it is sectioned off into a concrete jungle of buildings

"You wanted to show me, Gotham?" She laughed, breathing in the cool breeze. It was calming and different from the view she had in her old apartment. Here, the view was unobstructed, and the contrast of nature made her appreciate its beauty.

Hold on, you're so impatient, "he chuckled, pulling her to stand facing away from the cliff and towards him. She went and looked at his face with a sarcastic expression of "no really?".

"I'm only impatient when I'm woken up from a hangover nap," she snarkily replied, folding her arms around her chest to keep herself warm.

"Just a few more minutes and-" he smiled over her shoulder, covering her eyes with his hands before turning her around. She laughed at his confusing antiques and waited. Eventually, after a few short moments, he released his hands.

"Oh wow," she gasped.

Golden light dribbled over the land like syrup on oatmeal. The leaves shimmered like a mirror-flecked mosaic, and the morning dew sparkled on the bejeweled cobwebs and grass.

The sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its petals to the world. Amid the dancing, dew drops were the blush of scarlet, the warmth of tangerine. Gazing toward the illuminated clouds, still beneath the ethereal glow, Jocelyn felt at peace in a way she never had before.

"Knew you'd like it," he rasped in her ear, his hands resting on her hips. She pushed back against his chest and raised her hand to cup his cheek, never taking her eyes off the rising dawn.

The sun took its time, tired from its travels, letting every leaf and petal soak in its vibrance. Jocelyn let it seep into her skin and smiled. It felt so warm and gentle. There is a faint accompanying breeze.

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