Chapter Thirty-Four

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The Final Battle Ensues


Mentions of blood and gore and violence

(Also, I will apologise here because I am shit at writing fight scenes and thus this may get repetitive or boring!)

It didn't take long for the Alliance Against the Drom to notice her departure, and by the third day, everyone in the Alliance was swarming outside the Drom headquarters. She'd made the difficult choice for them, but they weren't ready to let her go.

When they arrived, it was evident that both sides had foreseen the impending conflict, since the gates were open and the Drom were en masse. As he perched atop a massive concrete column, Korin could be heard humming an off-key melody.

The man grinned and rose up as he saw his target and came to meet him instead of having to travel there. He bowed and waved his hand in front of him. Everyone looked at him with disdain and hatred. Anyone might be made to despise him. It was a skill.

"Ladies and gentlemen, aliens and humans," he bellowed. "Welcome to the final battle. I know how delighted you all are, and I must admit, I am as well, but unfortunately, this will not be as much fun as I had thought. As you can see, the main course is unable to join us. "

He was plainly referring to Jocelyn. Over the course of a month, he made it painfully clear that, apart from eliminating mankind, he desired Jocelyn. But what did he mean when he said she couldn't join them? Did something bad happen? But Jocelyn assured her that Korin would not harm her.

Such inquisitive looks. I'm sure you're wondering what I'm talking about. I don't want to waste your time discussing things, so why don't I simply show you? " He grinned and motioned to one of the Droms beneath the column. Two of them grabbed the big sheet that was wrapped around the column and yanked it down, revealing what was behind it.

As Jocelyn was revealed to her supporters and friends, there were gasps of terror. Her picture eerily overlapped with that of Jesus nailed to the cross. Except she was tethered to a concrete column by long metal construction rods threaded through her arms.

Her head was hung low, and blood flowed down the column in a thick purple stream, pooling at the bottom. Her legs jerked from time to time, and perspiration patted against her brow.

It was a nightmare.

"You cretinous alien!" Jason broke away from the mob and raised one of his weapons, his motions fueled by rage. He opened fire on the white-haired extraterrestrial. Korin, on the other hand, was fast and evaded them all, suddenly emerging in front of the red-clad guy.

Korin snatched Jason's wrist and hurled him over his shoulder and to the ground. They scuffled and traded punches between the two armies, but Jason was quickly overcome and shoved under Korin's body.

"Thank you for your time." Jason could see the guys' nails extend and sharpen into claws as Korin smirked and lifted his hand, veins bursting. powerful and sharp enough to cut into flesh.

"Take your filthy hands off of him!" Jocelyn's words resonated loudly and clearly. Korin turned back and gazed, wide-eyed, as Jocelyn began to lift herself off the poles.

She slipped her arm down the length of the impaling shaft, crying in anguish as she gradually freed herself. Once one arm was free, she yanked out the other with her hand and fell to the ground. She landed in a driving roll, grasping each hole with her opposing hand.

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