Chapter Twenty-Four

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Paws & Tails


When Jocelyn was woken at a ridiculous hour, the last thing she anticipated was Damian approaching her and begging for a favour. He, too, did not. It was early in the morning, the sun hadn't risen yet, and the woman was still sleeping. Her ultimate objective for the day was to sleep as much as she could.

Damian had knocked on her door and stayed silent until she reluctantly climbed out of bed and answered the door. The adolescent stood there in his over-sized, comfy clothing, his hands in his pockets.

He shuffled and gazed at his feet, uncertain. Jocelyn wanted to slam the door in his face, perplexed and frankly too exhausted to deal with whatever BS this was going to turn into. Even while she was in the army, she was never a morning person and her subordinates knew not to disturb her. It angered her to have someone wake her up and then simply stand there with their lips sealed.

"Is the house on fire?"

"Huh? Um, no " Damian blinked at the abrupt question.

"Is there an assassin trying to murder us all?

"No? Why are you-"

"Are the Drom invading the city and massacring innocent people?"

"Again, no I-"

"Then speak or forever hold your peace," she mumbled, her eyes half-lidded and threatening to shut. Damian contemplated whether or not to make his request, but when she began to close the door, he shouted and pushed his foot through the gap.

"Can you help me with volunteering today?"

Jocelyn opened the door wider and pulled him inside. The teen shook off her hand but followed her inside. She climbed back into bed, holding the blankets open. He declined her offer by crossing his arms and sitting at the far end of the bed.

She shrugged and scrunched all the covers into her arms, getting comfy and drifting back to sleep. Unknowingly, a smile grew across the male's face as he regarded her fatigued expression.

She looks so cute when she's tired

"Fucking hurry up," she grumbled as she kicked him from under the blankets. He glared and grumbled at the impact. It surprisingly hurt.

"The local animal shelter is holding its monthly adoption day, when individuals may come and volunteer to assist with possible adoptions. It is widely publicised on social media, and as a result, it is quite popular. I do it whenever I'm free and my father lets me go. "

"And what does this have to do with me?" Though she was pleased to learn about Damian's commendable interest, she was exhausted and wanted to sleep.

"I w..." he mumbled, head down.


"I want you to..."

"I'll peg you if you don't speak up," she warned.

"I want you to volunteer with me," he eventually blurted out, his cheeks flushing a hideous scarlet as he awaited her rejection.

Jocelyn opened her eyes and observed his flushed cheeks and the way he twisted the fabric of his shirt in his hands. He didn't appear to have gotten any sleep. Did he stay up all night trying to figure out how to ask her?

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