Chapter Thirty-Three

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Inside Enemy Walls


Jocelyn had been imprisoned since the minute she entered the facility. She was also given the paralysis medicine Gu, which was custom-made for her. Because she was aware, she did not kill it, which was the only way to activate it. Korin, on the other hand, had anticipated her moves and utilized a fucking taser, of all things, to activate the troublesome insect.

That was how they kept her quiet and cooperative. The bug needed to be updated every several hours, and she viewed this as her opportunity. Jocelyn had not been so naive as to offer herself over to the enemy without a strategy in mind.

Korin was a powerful man, and killing him once and for all would have been nearly impossible without her assistance. But, with her within the enemy fortifications and ostensibly helpless, how likely is it that Korin will suspect her of launching an early attack?

She had intended to play on his ego and make him feel at ease around her before ultimately striking with his defenses down. He'd always had a soft place for her, and with enough charm, it may be a decent way to finish it before anybody else is harmed.

Korin, on the other hand, never came to see her. When she had been kidnapped in the past, he had made it a point to spend every waking moment with her. It would drive her insane, and he would revel in her displeasure.

But he was concentrated on hitting harder, attempting to drive through the several groups that were opposing him. He pledged to back off, but he didn't. Of course, she was expecting this. She trusted the alien as far as she could throw him, which was quite a distance, but that wasn't the point.

She knew he was up to something greater, and if she was going to pull it off, she needed to do it right away. Plus, if he didn't come to her, she had no choice but to go to him. She had timed the change of guards and memorized the time between the Gu effect wearing off and the administration of the fresh dose.

Five minutes is a short length of time.

That was the amount of time she had to regain her mobility. By then, a Drom would have arrived with another paralytic Gu, and she would have to stop him unless she wanted to wait another 6 hours before trying again.

With this in mind, she calmed her breathing and focused on all of her senses. She counted what she could hear and see, what she could taste and smell, and ultimately, what she could feel.

The last one was very difficult. She could feel a profound chill settle in her bones, yet she could also feel the heat in her chest. A faint buzz in her heart told her to keep her eyes on the task at hand. She counted each pulse and imagined blood rushing through her veins, reawakening her body.

She saw something when things started to feel dismal. She felt a faint tingle in her toes and fingertips. She knew because these were her fucking toes and fingers, which she could feel!

"Fuck yeah," she said as she focused all of her energy on attempting to wriggle them. She'd been lying in a rigid cot for days, and she knew if she stayed much longer, she'd go insane. She was quickly able to properly curl her fingers into a fist as power flooded her paralyzed body.

Everything felt like pins and needles, that numbness that made you ache and feel weak. A buzzing sensation that made your body seem like it belonged to someone else. It was strange and unsettling how strange and distant everything seemed.

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