- Drom -

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Dromela, often called Drom, Reptilian-like organisms have an interesting social structure. These organisms aren't created from two pieces of shared DNA, but rather from the corpses of others. When one Drom dies, a seed is planted inside their bodies, and the sapling feeds on the rotten flesh to grow. The infant can develop into one of four levels depending on the power of the deceased.

Level Four

Droms that are incapable of acquiring knowledge live by instinct and the will of those stronger than them, but they only answer to those of Level One. They do not have a human-like form; their bodies are bulbous and armored, and they are taller than eight feet. With their sharp claws, lengthy legs, small eyes, and big spherical shelled bodies, they resemble a cross between earth beetles and crabs. They consume exclusively meat and are pack animals, living and fighting in groups. They communicate by clicking and whistling. Once they have locked upon a target, the only way to defeat them is to administer a powerful, lethal jolt of lightning or to pierce the sensitive tissue beneath their chin.

Level Three

These Droms have minimal intellect; they can grasp simple commands but lack self-direction. They respond to individuals who are above their level. They resemble humans but have hard, leathery skin, gills on their faces, and, in rare cases, tails and patches of scales. They eat nutritional solutions and sleep throughout the day, becoming active only at night. They make up the majority of the populace and are commonly utilized as pawns and slaves. They find nothing wrong with their situation and only have a few years to live. This is due to their bodies producing a powerful toxin that finally causes their hearts to stop. This poison is taken and utilized to make the "Gu," a little bug monster that burrows into people's hearts, slowly paralyzing and killing them.

Level Two

They are the species' citizens. They do not go above this level and are often members of the working class. They live normal lives and lack the distinguishing features of Level Three Drom. Despite their great strength, speed, and stamina, they work as support outside of battle. They are intelligent and capable of thinking and acting for themselves. The nexus between an elite and a slave. There isn't much else to say about this level. They are monotonous.

Level One

They are the most gorgeous and ethereal of their kind. They are at the top of the ladder and have control over the whole Dromela. They can converse and direct their minions from more than 500 meters away because of their ability to emit electrical brainwaves. They do not have a ranking among themselves because they constitute less than 15% of the population. These powerful dictators believe they are Gods of their planet, capable of regenerating any bodily part or organ at any time. They are remarkably similar to humans, with the primary distinguishing features being their horns (which are utilized to make mental transmissions) and their distinctively colored blood. So far, there hasn't been a single Level One death. Their strength is comparable to Level One, but their knowledge and immortality elevate them significantly.


There can only be one queen. Level One is the only one who can see her and hear her. A faceless leader who is worshipped as if she were God. She is known as the "queen mother," and she is the final and most absolute authority. She has only one skill other than immortality, and that is to produce seeds. She, like an ant, generates a great number of seeds every day. However, she does not birth these seeds, but rather "bleeds" them. When her blood is exposed to air, it will solidify and, when inserted into flesh, grow into dorms. When these seeds are immersed in Level Three's deadly blood, they transform into Gu. There isn't anything else known about her abilities or when and how she came to be.

The Drom are just interested in one thing: dominating the cosmos. For millennia, their conflicts were won, and worlds fell under their rule; until the Yllorians arrived to put an end to their dominion. These aliens with special abilities battled as a unit, equal in every aspect. These warriors battled against the Dromela to defend anyone they could.

One commander, in particular, became a source of contention. She had the ability to control lightning, which was one of their most serious flaws; others had comparable powers before her, but this one soldier wielded much too much power. Enough for the Queen Mother to feel endangered.

Centuries passed, and the Drom were gradually driven back. Outraged, Queen Mother dispatched one of her greatest Commanders to spy for a little green planet. This planet is near the Yllorian boundary, and because it is covered with untamed foliage and non-intelligent species, it would make an excellent hiding place.

They didn't expect to come upon a black hole on the way.

When a squadron of about 400 Drom troops landed on modern Earth, they faced significant challenges in assimilation and gradually rebuilding their power. But why are they more interested in staying on Earth than leaving?

Simple. The Yllorian people were born on this planet. Though they wouldn't leave Earth and evolve for another 800 years, this is where it all started. Isn't it reasonable, then, that if they can't overcome them in the future, they should eliminate them now?

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