Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Unexpected Allies


Without the help of the Justice League, it would be up to those close to home to keep the enemy at bay. As hard as it was to be told your situation wasn't dire enough, Jocelyn understood the complications. As a soldier herself, she could understand not wanting to leave your city or territory vulnerable to threats.

The heroes of Earth knew what they were doing, and she wasn't going to hold a grudge.

Quickly, after arriving home and alerting the others of the situation, it became a family gathering. Jocelyn knew the Bat clan was big, but she underestimated how many people liked to cosplay.

Besides those she knew, she got to meet Luke, Kate, and Duke. Three people she was glad to have on her side. They were quick to catch on to the situation and offered their assistance without debate. She thanked them with free baked goods and plenty of hugs.

But less than a dozen people wouldn't be nearly enough to face an army that was growing by the day. Not to mention that attacks by the Drom were becoming more varied and harder to ignore. Before it could be put off as petty theft, now it looks more like an act of terror.

Trucks barreling into foot traffic, fire stations being set on fire, and robberies of gun stores. The Drom seemed to be having more fun creating visible chaos than hiding until it was time to strike.

It was unlike anything Jocelyn had ever seen before, and she wasn't going to lie, it began to unnerve her. She could no longer tell what they were going to do, when, where, or why. It was like she was facing something completely unknown to her.

Korin was playing tricks on her and it was beginning to wear on her patients. All she wanted to do was find their base and destroy it all. But they had neither the numbers nor the resources to pull it off at the moment.

They needed help. But all the vigilantes and heroes they knew were currently committed to taking down supervillains and threats they were more used to. They couldn't wait around to play a game of chase.

Usually, the bats wouldn't have much freedom either. However, with the recent growing threat prowling the streets of Gotham, it had become hard for the usual villainous activity to attract any attention. If anything it was the one positive aspect of the whole plight. People, including villains, were more afraid of an unknown threat than the threats they were used to.

But wouldn't you? I mean, it is kind of hard to retain a normal life when you're under siege by an alien swarm.

Jocelyn was walking around the Gotham night scene, or rather, the dwindling night. She had been on patrol, walking around in comfortable clothing that helped her blend into the night. She was looking for clues and hints, potentially someone to interrogate. Anything really.

It was late into her stroll that she came across an alleyway and heard arguing inside. She took a peek into the shadow and saw two girls and a clown. Not Dorm but it was something. But was this worth her time and effort? When she began to move on, thinking they were probably up to no good, something unsettling shivered down her spine.

"Don't you touch her!"

Her girl senses were tingling.

Turning around, she headed back to the alley and got there in time to see the clown raise a metal bat. He was attempting to strike the girl with maroon hair while she was checking on her friend who was on the floor. Jocelyn charged forward and slammed a sparkling ball of lightning into his stomach.

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