Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It Begins


After she and Dick had arrived back at the mansion, they wasted no time in waking the others and explaining what they had experienced. Though they opted to switch out some details in favor of a morning stroll.

After consulting with the others, Bruce took Jocelyn to meet with the Justice League members and asked for their assistance. If there truly was a growing army, then they would need capable hands to help them.

There had been a lot of interrogation when she first arrived, but with the "seal of approval" from Batman, no one truly had reason to complain. If THE Batman says that you're trustworthy, then holy fuck, you must be a saint.

There had been questions with answers that only Jocelyn knew. The origins of Drom and their desire to invade Earth The simplest explanation was that they were motivated by rage and hunger rather than morals and values.

Their queen was a creature as old as time and had grown bored of the cosmos. Over the course of time, she grew lonely and created the Drom. They were nothing but toys that she had used to keep herself occupied.

When playing God became boring, she changed her mark and set her sights upon the planets. She thrived to see how easily civilizations could crumple at the appearance of chaos and destruction.

The Drom couldn't be swayed or shown reason; they followed one mind, and that was the Queen. She wanted a challenge, and if you didn't provide her with what she sought, she would eliminate you.

Yllora was one of the few planets that could stand on par with her children. It fascinated her, and she strode to enjoy this source of entertainment. Everything was a game to her.

But the Yllorians did not want to play her game, and over time, the Queen grew impatient. Instead of a game of cat and mouse, it was a bushfire against an ocean. The fire may burn heavily along the shoreline, but it could not breach the depths of the sea.

Jocelyn was her biggest thorn, constantly digging trenches that allowed the water to douse the flames and push back the Drom. The Queen's patience dwindled until finally she no longer wanted to play fair.

She wanted Jocelyn and all of Yllora dead.

"I was sent on a solo mission to check out a potential Drom base near our border, which is when I got sucked into the black hole and arrived here. The Drom are aware of my planet's history and ties to Earth, thus they might believe that the extinction of the human race-"

"Will prevent Yllora from ever existing, thus leaving them without a powerful opposition." Jocelyn's assessment of the situation was completed by Diana Prince, known as Wonder Woman. The room had fallen silent and a debate broke out.

Bruce, currently Batman, had placed a hand on her shoulder while they waited for the final decision to be made.

"We've come to a decision." The Green Arrow had turned towards the girl. He had welcomed her kindly and had offered to even teach her how to use a bow. But his gaze had turned hard. Like there, he had made a decision he didn't want to make.

She knew what was to come, but she still had a sense of hope.

"We are sorry. This threat is obviously not something that we can ignore. However, until we are sure of their intentions and how they are to be carried out, we cannot leave the rest of the world unprotected. "

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